At home insemination success on first try
Hi All, Can anyone tell me about their success stories on their first try for in home inseminations? Just trying to get an idea of how hard or easy it may be. I am doing at home insemination starting August 2021. Thank you!
Hi Jamie33!!... my partner and I will be ttc via at home insemination within the next few months or so as well... would like to connect directly if interested?
@Babyspice I will contact you
I am currently in my TWW with my first cycle of ICI with frozen sperm from CC of course. I will update if I ever get pregnant this way! I know it can be done because I have a friend who has done it. There are others who claim to online, but it's hard to know success rates.
We conceived our son on the first try at home. We are trying for baby #2 now and sadly it hasn’t happened yet. We are now on month number #4