Featured Family Series: Meet Justine and Breauna

cryo-admincryo-admin Posts: 4,543
edited June 24, 2021 3:54PM in Featured Family Stories

Mamas-to-Be: Justine (she/her) & Breauna (she/her)
Due: January 2022
Location: Stockton, CA
Follow their story on IG: @itsmejustinemarie_ + @b.easssy

Q: How did you and your partner meet?
A: We actually met at a night club in West Hollywood. We caught eyes from across the dance floor, exchanged numbers that night, and the rest is history.

Q: How did the topic of kids come up in conversation?
A: Very early on Breauna expressed that she definitely wanted kids, however, I had never seen children in my future so it was always a topic we said we would “revisit”. I had so many fears surrounding parenthood and everything that comes with it. Fast forward, we were well into our second year of marriage and the time had come to revisit the subject. I decided that it was time to get over my fears and go for it. Not just because my wife was deserving of her dream of becoming a mother but because deep down, I knew I really wanted a child I just hadn’t let myself even feel those feelings before. Breauna gave me the strength and confidence to step into this new chapter of our lives.

Q: How will you speak with your kids about being donor conceived?
A: We don’t have all the answers yet on this one, but we plan to be very open and honest with them from the beginning.

Q: What would you like people to know about your path to parenthood?
A: Our path to parenthood has been very exciting. Starting out we didn’t know exactly what to expect and we had a lot of questions but with the help of California Cryobank and our fertility center, our process was both easy and pleasant. Even through all of the ups and downs we feel very fortunate that we have had such an enjoyable experience. We are so excited to continue on this journey to parenthood!

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