Questions about anyone who tried home ICI?

Hi Everyone,

I am wanting to try home ICI before pursuing further fertility treatments. So if you tried home ICI, how many times did you try and was it successful?

Has anyone had success using washed vials for an ICI? The donor I like only has washed IUI vials available.

Any other tips or advice would be appreciated! Thanks so much!


  • I tried only once using an IUI vial. It was not successful. The ICI vials still contain the seminal fluid and are better for at home insemination.

  • Thanks for sharing your experience.

  • I tried 3 times with IUI vials at home, 2 vials each try. 1st attempt failed, 2nd I miscarried and 3rd was the charm. I’m 25 wks right now. Look up mama bethie step by step home insemination on YouTube. I saw her video and followed it, totally worked. Good luck.

  • Thanks for sharing. I'm so glad it worked for you! Congrats on your baby coming soon! That gives me hope that washed sperm can work for home insemination. I will check her videos out.

  • We used ICI vials. A total of three attempts and we used two vials on each attempt. The last try worked, currently pregnant!

  • Congrats MochiMommy! Thanks for sharing your story.

  • @FutureMom29 did you happen to get pregnant? I am in my 2nd cycle TWW with ICI vials, and hoping we got it this time. I wish there were more success stories on this site for ICI.

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