2 vials of #16023 for sale

Hello, I have 2 vials of premium IUI vials for sale of #16023. We are pregnant with twins and our family is complete with this pregnancy. The vials are in a clinic in UT, so you would have to transfer them to your clinic. Asking $700 per vial preferred. We are currently paying storage on them and don’t want to discard if possible. Thank you!


  • Hi Britany T.
    I have an 8.5 month old with same donor and would be so thrilled to connect! I live in San Rafael, Ca. Where do you live?
    Please reach out anytime! Lttom341@yahoo.com

  • I will email you!

  • Hi Britany,
    Did I miss your email? So excited to see you responded to this message but was not able to find your email

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