14299 ICI vials
Hi! We have been super lucky with donor 14299 (currently have a healthy and amazing 4yo girl and due with another girl in May 2021). We have 4 ICI vials in CC storage that we are looking to sell as I was also lucky to overproduce eggs and now have over 10 embryos in storage. Popular donor whose vials are no longer available. Please reach out with any questions or if interested.
hi @linpa ! Not interested in buying but just saying hi - we also have two kids using 14299
just created a private & hidden FB group for parents using this donor. Let me know if you're interested!
Hi @ELMS801. Would love to join. Our daughter is 4.5 yrs old now and I’m due with another girl any day now.
@linpa are the ici vials still available and how much are you selling them for?
@iwanttobeamom hi! Unfortunately no. We wound up giving them back to the Cryobank and were refunded money. An amazing donor if you’re able to use him! Good luck!
@linpa thank you for getting back to me.