Tested for 260+ genetic conditions!
Due to COVID-19, we're providing a new option to ship vials to your home for an at-home insemination.
No other sperm bank does more genetic testing! DNA Advantage donors are screened for 260+ conditions.
Apply to become a sperm donor and help make dreams come true
Bank your baby's newborn stem cells with CBR
Protect your family and bank your baby's stem cells (cord blood & tissue banking)
Search for egg donors with frozen eggs available for immediate use
Hi! Has anyone else used this donor?
I am
@ahansen Oh awesome!! I am as well, I’d love to keep in contact if you’re up for it since our future babies will be half siblings.
I’d love to! I’m also a gay single mom. I got my positive!!
@ahansen Hi!! Here is my email!! Please be in touch, I’d love to stay connected.
Congratulations on your positive!!
I’m 7 months currently with this donor. Also have 3 more vials. SMBC
@GoGedder i left my email above!! Please reach out if you are comfortable 😊
@GoGedder @Lgbtqsinglemom @ahansen Congratulations to you all! I was looking to see if you had any vials for 15763 left?
I have two vials of 15763 for purchase. Please let me know if you are interested.
I am
@ahansen Oh awesome!! I am as well, I’d love to keep in contact if you’re up for it since our future babies will be half siblings.
I’d love to! I’m also a gay single mom. I got my positive!!
@ahansen Hi!! Here is my email!! Please be in touch, I’d love to stay connected.
Congratulations on your positive!!
I’m 7 months currently with this donor. Also have 3 more vials. SMBC
@GoGedder i left my email above!! Please reach out if you are comfortable 😊
@GoGedder @Lgbtqsinglemom @ahansen
Congratulations to you all! I was looking to see if you had any vials for 15763 left?
I have two vials of 15763 for purchase. Please let me know if you are interested.