does anyone have 2 on their own?

I purchased 4 vials and just needed the one, now i want to try for another since i have 3 chances. I really want this for my son but i am scared.


  • I did it by myself too. Mine was IVF and I have one embryo left, but I’m 40 years old, so I’m a little unsure about having another one. Also, the IVF process is very hard.
    My baby is 3 months old, so I have around 9 more months to think about it and make a decision.
    I think is hard and this times are sooo uncertain with everything happening in the world, but would be nice for my baby girl to have a brother and not be an only child ❤️

  • With donor 15160? I also did ivf but cant afford and don't have the time for all the tests, going for IUI this time, I am also going to be 43 soon. That's good you have an embryo, wonder if they can just inseminate.

  • @Kingstonstiti Yes, donor 15160. I also have 1 vial left, but I don’t have enough eggs for an IUI to work out and like you said is a very expensive treatment. Raising kids alone also is VERY exhausting hahahaha I’m not sure I have the energy for another one 🤣

  • I know I understand. My IUI isn't that bad,hopefully I will need just one. Well, here is my email if you ever want to reach out since out babies have the same father. Curious to see if your baby looks like my son. Then again 3 months is still really young and they change so much. If I don't hear from you, best of luck to you and your child.

  • We have a secret group con Facebook with other families with the same donor, if you want me to add you let me know, I just need your Facebook name, my email is

  • Thanks, I emailed you.

  • Perfect, I’ll send you an email now

  • I am just starting out on this trying for a second for my son and doing this on my own.

  • Yes. One embryo split into identical boys. They're almost 6 weeks old and I'm 45. With support of friends, colleagues and nurses, I was able to navigate and heal as much as possible from the c-section during the first month.

    Yes, my children have an instant companion but the demand on me is...greater overall. Mental focus is key for me so I'm drawing from energy I didn't know I had and getting into a rhythm is helping.

    We got this! #MyMantra

  • I’m planning to get pregnant again using the same donor as my daughter. She’s 2. I’m going on 37. I would like my daughter to grow up with a healthy sibling. I’m more scared of her growing up alone than struggling with two kids. I have a great support system and they’re very excited for us.

  • Funny I will be an an almost similar situation next October.. just had my first in October and I’ll be going on 37 next October when I want to try again.. when are you going to start trying?

  • @Triclaratops i tried twice in sept and October and failed iuis. I’m going to take a break in nov and try again in dec.

  • My first just recently turned a year old, and I have afew vials from her donor left. I really want her to be able to have a sibling, and the fact that she just turned one is giving me baby fever! Although, I'm planning to wait another year or two before trying to have another. I just think having a slightly bigger age gap will be alittle easier being a single mom. Right now she's very clingly and needy which is fine, but I think by the time she's 3, she'll be more independant and want to be mommy's helper!