
Trying to explain it all

Looking for help in finding some children's books trying to explain the process of where she came from. My daughter is 3 and is asking about a "daddy".


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    Highly recommend the book-What makes a baby by Cory Silverberg. Very inclusive to fit all different kinds of families.

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    There are children books on Amazon. Search for I've Got Dibs. After that you will see similar books.

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    I have just never explained it. My son knows he does not have a dad, and only a mom, but not much more.

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    I have the book For Mommy So Loved You. I got it on amazon-- they make one for IUI and IVF...
    I will say its not 100% accurate- obviously...its tailored to small children. So the illustration shows them putting the sperm in through the belly button haha. But I figured it's a good way to introduce the whole thing to her and i'll answer whatever questions she has as she gets older. I want her to know..and be aware of it, and I don't ever want her to feel like she can't tell anyone she came from a donor, b/c i'm not ashamed of it and she shouldn't be either!

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