Donor 15601 “top chef”
Hey there! It says this donor had reported pregnancies. Was wondering how many live births he’s had so far! He’s our choice! Thanks
Hey there! It says this donor had reported pregnancies. Was wondering how many live births he’s had so far! He’s our choice! Thanks
@Victoria_S522 Hi! My wife and I will be doing an ICI-At home with donor 15601 this month and are excited! California Cryo told us that he has had reported live births so we are hopeful.
Will you be trying soon?
Hiii! So happy someone finally answered lol! My wife and I are also going to be using him as well and will be trying at the end of this month!!!!
Keep in touch! I’d love to know if you end up pregnant! We could always exchange emails! Good vibes and baby dust your way!🥰
It’s so nice to be in touch with someone using the same donor we chose! We will be trying the last week of May. If we both get pregnant, our children would be half siblings! Sorry I’m just so excited about this whole process. 1st time for us.
Thank you! Baby dust to you all the way from Hawaii😊
@LBnMB it truly is awesome being able to be in contact! We are trying last week May first week of June if my schedule stays the same! Lol it’s cool to know there will be a half sibling out there I agree! This will be our 3rd! Good luck from Massachusetts 🥰 keep in touch!
Hey, just checking on how you are doing? I’m a few days from the end of my TWW. Nervous and ancy but I’m hopeful. Gna test on Friday or Sat.
@LBnMB hey! That’s awesome I’m so excited for you I hope you got a sticky baby in there! I’m one day past ovulation as of today! I inseminated June 1st and June 2nd! Do you feel any symptoms? Here’s my email! Sent me a message! Then we can exchange numbers!! Again, so excited for you! This tww is going to KILL ME!😂
@Victoria_S522 just emailed u
@Victoria_S522 Sorry for the delay. Yes, Donor 15601 has 5 or more reported pregnancies. He also has reported births. Best of luck to you!
P.S. If someone Google searches your email address, they will find your posts. But you can edit your post by clicking on the gear symbol in the top right.
California Cryobank
This is so exciting!! My wife went in this morning for her IUI!!! We go back on the 15th for results!! So excited for all of you! The 5 pregnancies and live births is so reassuring! Cannot wait!
@Aleitao hey so excited for you folks! Baby dust to you guys. Unfortunately, our ICI in May was not successful. We are hoping to try again in a few months. Can you post your update once you find out your results?
@cryo-admin hi! I was wondering if there have been any updated to reported pregnancies or live births with this donor? Thank you 🙏🏽
Hi! Wishing everyone is doing well and is going thru an easy journey. Any updates for this donor? My top choice for IUI. Thank you!
@Almost 45 currently expecting with this donor 😊 good luck!
Hi @Salem2942 Congratulations!!!! My wife and I have been trying ICI-At home for several months with no success. We are switching to IUI instead. Did you do an IUI?
@LBnMB thank you!! ❤️ We actually did IVF, we tried ICI at home for so long and just decided to jump straight to IVF. Good luck! Keep us posted!!
@Salem2942 Thank you. We are hoping for the best. ICI was kinda stressful. We figured it’s best to try to have the doctor take the guesswork out of our hands haha. How far along are you?
@LBnMB absolutely! Plus they can monitor and change your protocol according to how your body responds. And almost 9 weeks 🥰 Due July 13th
Hi everyone! Hope all is well and @Salem2942 - congratulations!!! Such an exciting time! We are still very early in the process but my wife and I are thinking of choosing Donor 15601 as our donor as well and our appointment with our fertility doctor isnt until February, 2021. I am starting all my research and wanted to ask if anyone is aware of Donor 15601's sperm mobility after being washed, etc. Thanks in advance!
@VivianDB we did IVF but they said great things about the sperm- one vial fertilized 20 eggs for us and we had 17 make it to 5 day embryos/blasts. I do not have exact numbers unfortunately. Good luck on your journey!
@Salem2942 @VivianDB Hi!!
Either of you have extra vials of donor 15601? We are willing to purchase some if you have any.
@LBnMB We only purchased the one for IVF. I’m so sorry! Are all of his vials sold out now?!
@Salem2942 yes sadly his vials are sold out now. We were thinking of doing IVF in a few months.
Hey @Almost 45 do you have any extra vials of this donor?
Hey @Aleitao do you have any extra vials? If so we are interested in purchasing from you. Please let me know.
Hi! Late to the thread but just curious: my daughter via Top Chef is 3 months old today ❤️❤️❤️. Any half siblings out there?
@sunsapple Hi! We have a 9 month old Son from him
we also have a Facebook group with other families that used him