Updated Pregnancies for 14670, 15550, and 15565
Looking for updated information (reported pregnancies) for the following donors: 14670, 15550, 15565.
Looking for updated information (reported pregnancies) for the following donors: 14670, 15550, 15565.
14670 success
15550, success. Male. Born 12/2020.
Congratulations on your babies!
@Caligrlbw & @Baby%20Wyn - Please don't forget to officially report your births: https://www.cryobank.com/account/report-pregnancy/
California Cryobank
15550 success. baby girl born 9/8/21 extremely smart and advanced for her age
15550 success. 2 amazing girls. One born 4/2021 and the second born 10/2023.
I had a girl donor number 14670 on 11/11/22. Still have 2 embryos not sure if I want another baby yet.
Willing to connect with any 15550 families. My son is now 3.5 years old.
IG: ASO_Sneakerhead
I have a 15550 boy born June 2021. Initially didn’t think there was a need to know other families, but think it might be good for him. 3 1/2 years old and so great. If anyone is interested, would like to try and connect.