Success! First time try. Donor 15634
Hi! My wife and I are 17 weeks tomorrow and finally feel confident enough to share here and celebrate with you all.
Anyone else successful with this donor? We can see reported pregnancies.
I'm 35 and this is my first pregnancy, we're elated that we were successful on the first try despite being called elderly! lol. Not lol.
We're both of black/Caribbean descent. I'm from London, my wife is a New Yorker and that's where we're currently based.
Congrats!!! Not using this donor but we are doing ICI at home next week with donor 15013
@Money Thank you! Good luck 🤞🏾✨✨ for next week.
@minimar A little late to the conversation, but that's so exciting! I'm also queer, over 35 and based in NY. In the process of making decisions about donors. So happy to hear it's possible. Congrats!
@MamaQ Thank you!
You're right on time
Are you considering this donor, any closer to making a decision? We took a a little while but ended up going with our initial gut instinct.
Yes! It's absolutely possible.
Are you intending to do an IUI at home too?
Good luck with everything.
@minimar Thanks so much! I was considering this donor, love that he has adult pics, but unfortunately some of the stats don't align with what I need. Honestly didn't realize home IUI was an option, so my world just opened up lol. I've started doing more research though. Definitely would prefer it to an office procedure.
@MamaQ We worked with two lovely midwives who you can look up at I'm not sure where you are in New York but you'll see the areas they cover on the website.
I'm so thrilled we found them and crafted a safe, loving space to do the IUI. They are both queer and have a wonderful politic about honouring your body and experience. We were able to create the ambiance we needed to feel comfortable and relaxed. Home felt best.
@minimar Hi, my wife and I chose this donor for our first round of ICI at home. We just did the insemination on Sunday so, I’m only 5 days in on the TWW. I’m feeling really positive, I’ve been cramping for 4 days straight on and off so, I’m hoping that’s implantation.
Congratulations to you both on the new baby coming! Thanks for sharing your story!
@CocoXChanel Yay! We're so happy to hear from you.
I started feeling symptoms pretty early on too - cramping and light-headedness. I was so anxious about allowing myself to get excited. It was like, is this my period getting ready to start or am I actually pregnant?
Sending you sanity and ease in this TWW period.
We're 25 weeks along now, past the terrible morning sickness stage and my belly has really popped.
Please keep us updated. Sending blessings your way!!!
@minimar I’m glad to know these symptoms may not just be in my head! I’m so anxious and super aware of my body right now! I’ll definitely keep you updated, AF is scheduled to come 3/16 so, I’ll be testing then and we’re hoping for a BFP! Blessings to you both during your third trimester!
Es mi primera vez de inciminacion IUI no me quiero ilucionar y como el dr me dio hormonas para ovular y despues me puso la hormona HGC y despues IUI y tomar progesterona pues estoy notando cambios en mi cuerpo y nose si es q estoy embarazada o es por las hormonas
solo llevo 5 dias que me inciminaron estoy con dudas los calambres me dieron despues de procesos por 2 o 3 dias y note cambio en los senos en la parte de la oriola y pezon. Espero que usted que ya paso por eso me pueda decir que sienyomas tubo despues del proceso
@Lisa11 Hello! I hope I understood everything correctly in your message.
My IUI was at home with no doctors or hormones so a different process.
In terms of the two week wait: I experienced light-headedness/dizziness and cramping. I also had a little light spotting after the insemination.
It felt like PMS symptoms.
Good luck with everything. I know the wait can be gruelling ✨✨✨
Ok muchas grasias. Es una espera desesperante jeje
Ladies ! Gents? I have a beautiful 2 month old to donor 15634. I got pregnant on the first try IUI. Ugh he’s perfect ! Congrats and good luck to you all !
Amazing! 🎉🎊🎉 Congratulations! Our beautiful little one is also 2 months old.
How are things with you and the bub?
Are you considering signing up to the sibling registry? ( Just saw a message saying not to share our email address on here so not sure how else to stay in touch otherwise).
Yes I want to sign up I haven’t gotten around to doing it and don’t really know how to go about it.
I would like to get pregnant with this donor before the year ends. I have a child with a different donor and the sibling registry is great! You go to the site and create an account. When you create your profile, be sure to include your email address if you want to connect with other parents. If you don't want to do email, you can send messages in the sibling registry bulletin. You'll have to log in every time to view it and I don't believe you will get notified. Email works perfectly with me.
@123abc Hi! Thank you for the info. We're definitely going to sign up. And good luck with this donor.
@BL2020 Looking forward to connecting on the sibling registry site.
@123abc I wanted to reach out to see if you ever sold your IUI vial of 14873. I believe he was your back up donor at some point. I know it’s a long shot, but it never hurts to ask. I have a daughter from him and am attempting to conceive again.
Thank you for your time.
Yes!!!! I have a baby girl from him too!!! Love to connect ! Send me your email or # if interested!
Hi all, looking to connect with those who have babies using donor 15634.
Hello! I am almost done with my first trimester with a female fetus with this donor. Would love to connect. I used to live in NYC too, but single motherhood was easier to do in Spain with their leave and childcare benefits, so I’m currently living in Madrid!
Hello All! I have 19-month-old twin boys using Donor 15634. We live in New Orleans, Louisiana. I just signed up for the Sibling Registry this morning. (I tried a while back, but it wasn’t open for me to sign up at that time.) I would love to connect with other families using Donor 15634.
@lolitabonita sounds like you're livng my dream! former NYer in Spain single-mama-ing it up. That's beautiful. I'm terrified about single mama family planning but want it so.
Congrats to you all. All of your stories are amazing. My wife and I are in the process of picking a donor and I’ve been reading so many success stories. I was so nervous and afraid to do this but reading about all these amazing babies and successes is making this much easier. We are doing this in the comfort of our home where there is peace and serenity hoping it will bring us our first baby. Again congrats to all of you.
@minimar join the conversation on the sibling registry! either you or @bl2020 have the oldest of our half-sibling crew.
@twinmamanola you too! we have a bulletin thread going
@Successdonor15634 you too if you're not already!
@minimar @BL2020 @TwinMamaNOLA
I know its a really long shot but any extra vials for 15634?? I only need 1