
Therapy/Counseling Recommendations?

Hi Cali CyroBank Community,

My wife and I are 3+ months into our journey with IUIs. Due to several external factors, we've only been able to try for 1 cycle. On our first and only try so far, I never produced a large enough follicle, and so we had to cancel the attempt. Since then our doctor has been away for health reasons, and we're playing a waiting game. We've got 5 donor vials on hold, so we're committed to continuing the attempts when we can. There are a lot of things going on outside of our control (mostly dealing with our small town and our doctor's office periodic closures), and the stress is starting to take a toll on our life/relationship/mental health. I keep thinking, "Just have a positive attitude," but I think that is asking more than I can do right now. I think it is time to seek outside help/therapy/counseling.

Has anyone has experience with a good (and available via phone/video-chat/online) therapist, specifically someone with experience with queer families and fertility journeys? We live in a very small town in Colorado where the number of mental health providers is very low, so we're thinking that a distance-counselor is going to be our best option.

Thanks, in advance, for any responses!

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