Donor 15174- IUI

Hi Everyone! My partner and I just purchased vials from Donor 15174. We’re hoping to get inseminated later this month. I’m just curious if anyone has used this donor and what your experience has been. As an interracial couple it was important for us to have a donor that resembled myself (my partner will carry). Hopefully within the next month or so I’ll be back with an update! Sending positive vibes and happy baby dust to those trying and currently pregnant!


  • My wife and I are also using this donor! My first IUI was in November and sadly didn’t go though, but we are trying again in February! Best of luck to you! Sending all kinds of positive energy!

  • Hi KyLex11! I’m sorry to hear it did not work out! Wishing you both success your next cycle. We’re currently in the TWW. I’m pretty optimistic with these kinds of things. We’ll have our blood test on Jan 29th. So we’ll see what happens. Do you recall what his count was for the vial you all used? Just curious if his numbers will be consistent should we need to try again.

  • I don’t recall I’m sorry. Wishing you the best of luck!

  • Today was our blood pregnancy test and we just found out it is negative. While we’re disappointed we are also looking forward to trying again. My partner had a significant increase in her TSH Level so we think that could’ve played a factor. She’s been on Synthroid to get her levels stable Since the start of the cycle and the dosage had to be increased so fingers crossed the next cycle works.

  • Fingers crossed! My wife and I are also trying again the end of February. May I ask if you are going to remain using the same donor?

  • Hi KyLex11,

    Congrats! Yes we will still use this same donor. We have 2 vials left that are stored at our fertility clinic. I see that he’s going to be retired soon. Will you all be using him again?

  • Yes! As long as he has vials available, we don’t have a way to store vials so we can only purchase one at a time

  • Oh yay! That’s a bummer you guys have to buy them one at a time. Here’s to hoping we’re both successful next cycle. I’ll keep you posted once we start!

  • We have our iui #2 scheduled for this Wednesday Feb 12th. We were both shocked that her follicle grew so quickly compared to our last round. We thought for sure it’d be next week. We’re hoping this is the one!

  • iui #2 is complete. We are back in the TWW. Our nurses were super excited about our donor’s sperm count. It was 54 mil this time about 30 mil more than our first and the motility was 62% which was about 20% more than the first cycle.
    This cycle happened so quickly and caused us some stress at times but we’re keeping positive thoughts only. The experience has been so different but amazing at the same time. I’ll be back on Wed 26th with the results!

  • Sending positive vibes! Very exited for you! We go in on the 2nd! Hoping for the best!

  • Thank you! Sending you all positive vibes as well! Hopefully we’ll both get good news soon!

  • TWW is over and sadly has resulted in another BFN. We’re approaching our 3rd iui with our last vial of 15174. If this next cycle results in another negative we will most likely switch donors and take a short break. Sending positive vibes for your upcoming day!

  • Sending you so much good energy!!! We went in this morning for our second IUI. Hoping for the best!

  • Yaaaay! We’re wishing you guys much success this round!

  • Hi KyLex11! Just wanted to check in with you guys to see how things are going. We have our follicle check up tomorrow so if all looks good we’re anticipating her getting the trigger and the iui would on Thursday. Fingers crossed we both get good news this month!

  • I’m still in my TWW. Sending positive vibes to you guys!! I couldn’t agree more with you! Hope we both get some amazing news this month 💜

  • Had our iui yesterday morning with our last stored vial. Really hoping this one is the one. Trying my very best to keep my partner calm and relaxed during the TWW. This virus has consumed our professional lives and it’s really taking an emotional toll on her. So this should be an interesting next few weeks. Sigh curse the media!!!

  • Sending you positive energy!! We are also laid off from our jobs right now so understand it’s tough to keep stress levels down. But I’m hoping for the best for both of us! We plan on testing at the end of this week! Again, sending you lots of good vibes through this!

  • Wishing you guys the best! We will find out this week if our 3rd attempt worked. My partner has had some very different symptoms this round compared to the last 2 iui procedures so we’re hoping that’s a good sign. This TWW has felt like the longest one!

  • Thank you so much! My cycle was 5 days late and I tested and they were all negative. So, I’m not really sure what to do from here. Best of luck to you and partner!! Always sending positive energy!

  • Ugh I’m sorry. We may be in a similar situation. She’s been having some cramping and mid abdominal soreness along with tender boobs and sensitive nipples. Which is not her usual AF symptoms. But this morning the test was negative. Granted it was digital and I’ve read that those are not the best for early detection. Tomorrow is the blood test so we’ll know officially then. We’re going in prepared for a negative with a slight hope of a positive. This journey has been extremely stressful but my partner has been so strong throughout it all. Here’s to hoping we find success whenever it happens and whatever that may look like.

  • We received our official negative results back. It sucks every time. We’re gonna hang the hat up on Mr. Key To Happiness and try someone else. Thank you for all your encouraging words and well wishes. We send love and good vibes to you guys in your journey!

  • It’s so strange, I had all those symptoms as well. I’ll be thinking about you guys I’m very sorry you have to go through this. We also wanna send you love and peace on this journey! Please take care! Very nice talking to you♥️