

Regarding donor 11291, I was wondering if there was any specific information you could provide on his physical appearance or facial features. We know he has hazel eyes, defined eyebrows, brown hair and a nice smile. How would you rate his attractiveness? Thanks for any info you can give.


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    Hi cb -

    You can contact Travis or Shawnbay in our Client Services Department at 866-927-9622 for details on how this donors matches up to his look-a-likes. This is usually more helpful than just a rating since beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    I happen to think he is a good-looking "guys guy", but if you don't find his look-a-likes attractive you may not want to go by my opinion.

    You may also find his Facial Feature Report (which goes through his entire facial structure feature by feature) helpful.

    Good luck,

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