Pregnant using donor 14873

Anyone currently pregnant with donor 14873 im currently 5 weeks pregnant just seeing if anyone was going through a pregnancy with this donor currently


  • I am currently 7 weeks 2 days with this donor. I saw the heartbeat about a week ago...very exciting!

  • Aww i have my first ultrasound on June 18th i can't wait....

  • Congrats to you!!! Its great to finally see the baby on the screen. I can't wait for my next ultrasound in another week. Let me know how it goes with yours.

  • congrats to you both

  • I ended up having a miscarriage friday. Going to the doctor to see what my next options are. I have 3 embryos left.

  • Oh no!!! :( I am so sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine.....
    Keep the faith! I know it will work out in the end.

  • How is your pregnancy going? Im going in for another transfer tomorrow with 2 embryos?

  • Hey! I am super excited for you! I will be keeping my fingers crossed and sending prayers your way.
    Good News is on the horizon!
    I am progressing fine in my pregnancy. I just turned 16 wks yesterday, and I am slowly starting to see the smallest bump. :) Still no baby movements or kicks yet, but I can't wait for those. My next appt is at the end of August, and I look forward to seeing her. It's a girl by the way!
    Keep in touch and let me know how the transfer goes.

  • Congratulations glad there is another girl added to the bunch because right now they are outnumbered lol... they have a 14873 donor group on fb if you're interested...

  • Yes! I'm definitely interested in connecting with other parents in the donor group.
    I currently only access the CCB Friends FB page. Let me know who I should contact to be added to the donor group. Thanks ;)

  • Go to donor 14873 families on fb they have a small questionnaire before you're accepted in if you have any problems just let me know... hopefully i'll be joining you on there soon...i left after my miscarriage....

  • Got it. Thank you.
    Keep in touch and let me know how the transfer goes.

  • Email me

  • Hi. My name is Diana senday. My wife and I have a pair on wonderful twin boys with this donor. They were born: oct 22nd 2018. They are now 4 years old.

    We would love to have contact with anyone who has had children with this donor . This is our information:

    Mobile: 331 743 6551 or 520 257 7976



    Please reach out

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