
ICI at home: Syringes?

My wife and I plan to do an at home ICI and were wondering, does CCB provide needless syringes if they are needed? If not where can we purchase some? I have heard from some TTC that the store bought oral syringes (usually used for medication) can be to big to fully retreive the sperm from the vial.

Any info on this would be helpful. Thank You


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    Hi AlleyDuck -

    It is difficult for me to give you direction because I really believe you are better off doing IUI with a physician than ICI at home. Your odds of conception are much better and in the long run it will likely cost you the same or even less due to the added cycles necessary at home.

    Its all about the timing and placement of the sperm -- both of which a physician is much better at then anyone new to the process.

    The only at-home kit I am familiar with is Conceivex, which uses a cervical cup for insemination. From what I have heard, it is rather awkward and difficult to use.

    CCB does not provide the skinny syringes. The regular ones are too big. My best suggestion would be to look online for a medical supply company.

    Sorry I can't be of more help.

    Good luck,

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    not sure if this is still relevant, but I would suggest using 1cc needless syringes which can be purchased online via Amazon or possibly from a local pharmacy.
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