Donor 15446
How many reported pregnancies does donor #15446 have? Does he have any live births reported?
How many reported pregnancies does donor #15446 have? Does he have any live births reported?
@OurJourneytobabySmith Donor 15446 has been on our catalog for less than a year. He currently has less than 5 reported pregnancies. Births are expected later this year.
California Cryobank
Did you go ahead with this donor? My wife is currently 3dp5dt
@KALI75 Yes, my wife and I decided on this donor. I’m currently 15 weeks.
Congratulations I’m really happy for you guys! Is this your first try and do you know if it’s a girl or a boy.
This is me and my wife’s second FET with this donor.
@KALI75 Thank you so much! This was our 3rd IUI, 1st with this donor! We did genetic testing and we found out it's a boy. Good Luck! I hope this one sticks!
Thanks so much! Did you have any symptoms my wife has cramping. Do you remember when you got your BFP? We are 4dp5dt and the 2ww is driving us crazy. Did you take a HPT or did you wait for blood work? Sorry for all the questions but we have nobody to really ask.
@KALI75 No problem. I had mild cramping and I thought I was getting my period early or something, but that's the only symptom. I had some light pink and brown spotting around 12piui. We didn't test, we waited for the blood test.
Wow you guys are good! We know it’s very early we are trying to hold it together. We do our blood test on Sunday and are praying for the best. What did you guys do to keep your mind off the wait.
It was definitely hard. We did everything different from the first two IUI's. This time we truly set out to not really think about it. I refrained from social media and everything so that I wouldn't see things in the FB groups I'm in. I did acupuncture as well to help with my anxiety. We watched a lot of netflix and funny movies to keep us occupied. You guys got this, just three more days! Keep me posted. Do you all have fb or ig?
We’ll definitely keep you posted! We usually use Snapchat Braque.k we try to stay off of instagram and Facebook all our friends are having babies.
I definitely understand that. I added you on Snapchat.
So yesterday was the blood test and we got a BFP! Me and my wife are soo excited. I know we are not out of the woods yet we go back for our second beta test tomorrow and we are hoping our HCG doubles. I realized I misspelled the snap its Blaque.k. How is everything going with you guys and little man?
Yay!! Congratulations to you both! Hoping that your numbers double tomorrow. Just stay positive and take it easy. My name is Kita Smith on snap. We're doing well, my allergies have been acting up pretty bad other than that okay.
@Me&you Hi how are you
Hi KALI75. When's your due date?
Currently 23 weeks and having a girl... Has anyone signed up for the sibling registry?
Hey!!! We used this donor and had a baby girl on Jan 24, 2020. I signed up for the Sibling Registry
@Me&you congrats our due date is June 30th
@Smilez we will sign up for the sibling registry too what happens after you sign up
Congratulations!! Almost at the finish line!
You’re going to laugh when you sign up for the Sibling Registry, I’m the only one that has signed up that has used this donor. It’s been a waiting game, waiting for someone else to come along.
I forgot about these forums! I could’ve been in touch with you guys!
@Smilez lol well it’ll be us two on there. How is your little bundle of joy doing? Is she your first?
Lol! She is amazing! She is teething and yes she is our first. We’re loving it. I can show you a picture of her, if you have social media.
Will this be y’all first?
Instagram: pardonmyback75
We have a 10 yr old daughter who is super excited to be a big sis
Oh wow!! Y’all are starting all the way over! My IG name is
@Smilez i sent a request do you have snap my fiancé dosen’ t have Instagram Snap:Blaque.k
I just accepted your request, and yes I have a Snapchat.. plsxcuse
@Me&you is this your first baby? How has it been going so far?
Hey!! I have a 7 yr old. She too is super excited to be a big sister! First time using this donor. I signed up for the sibling registry but of course nothing is posted since I'm due Aug. 31:-). My IG is fameous4. I'd love to see pics of your daughter @smilez and keep in touch with all of you. Just requested you too @Kali75.