donor 15175
I know this donor has recently been restocked & don't show he's had any reported pregnancies. Wasn't sure if his donor page just hasn't been updated or if there really hasn't been any pregnancies by him? My first IUI failed & am currently 12dpiui for my second one & I'm almost positive its a fail. My 2nd vial also only had 15 million in it, which seems low to me?
@kdreaux We currently don't have any pregnancy reports for Donor 15175. Very few vials of his have shipped out. All of our donors go through the same stringent screening process and are capable of contributing to a pregnancy. Less than 1% of applicants become Cryobank donors.
Please keep in mind that for the average woman, it takes approximately 3-4 IUI cycles to achieve pregnancy.
15 million motile sperm is way more than is needed to achieve pregnancy. Here's more information on how many sperm are in a vial and how much is needed to achieve pregnancy via IUI:
Best of luck during your TWW!
California Cryobank
@cryo-admin have there been any reported pregnancies for this donor