Advice to prepare for pregnancy in a same sex married

Hello. I'm looking for some advice for those who are in a same sex relationship, what advice you may have to help boost or natural remedies to get your body ready. Any advice helps. I did have an insemination done. And I use a donor here. I ended up losing the pregnancy do to stress. Thank you all for your time.


  • I haven't had an IUI yet but will be in the next few months! I had some trouble missing periods and stuff leading up to it because of stress, not getting the right nutrition, etc. I highly recommend supplements: a high quality prenatal, make sure you are getting plenty of iron and vegetables, especially dark leafy greens, ease up on sugar, caffeine and alcohol. I've been doing acupuncture and it's been amazing for stress and anxiety. Some even specialize in women/fertility/etc. eating as clean as you can and really taking care of yourself- resting, maybe do some yoga or light exercise, meditation, etc. anything you can do to feel good will ultimately be good things when you're pregnant too. Hope that helps :) best of luck with everything!
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