Looking for vials for 13776
It’s been a few years, but hoping someone might be storing vials from donor 13776. Please let me know if you are and would be interested in selling!
It’s been a few years, but hoping someone might be storing vials from donor 13776. Please let me know if you are and would be interested in selling!
Hello. I have two vials that I no longer need. Do you already have a child with the donor?
Hi! Wow, this is amazing! Yes, I have a daughter (born December 2014). I thought this was quite a long shot. But thrilled as I’m taking this as a sign.
Would it be easiest to email? I’m not sure how the process works! Thanks so much!!!
Post your email address and I’ll write back to you and we can figure it out.
Wonderful! My email is canes03megs (at) hotmail (dot) com. I look forward to figuring this out!