IUI Coming Up with Donor 14874
I have an IUI coming up this week with donor 14874. Did anyone conceive with him on the first try? What was the sperm count like? I would love any information that anyone can offer about this donor.
Thank you.
I have an IUI coming up this week with donor 14874. Did anyone conceive with him on the first try? What was the sperm count like? I would love any information that anyone can offer about this donor.
Thank you.
Any update on how your IUI went?? fingers crossed!
Hey! My first IUI in January with this donor was a BFN, but I had another IUI on Valentine’s Day so I’m currently in my two week wait. I will keep you posted! I plan on testing on Monday. The sperm count in February was much better than January. January we had 9 million and February we had 12 million. I’m hoping it worked this month!
I’m on my 2 week wait too! Good luck!!
Hey! Are you using the same donor? What was your count like? I just tested at 9DPO and it was negative. I also haven’t had any symptoms at all, so I think I’m officially out this month. This was my second IUI with this donor. I don’t know why it’s not working for me. I will try one more IUI with this donor and then I’m probably going to move back to Seattle Sperm Bank.
My wife and I decided that we want to try again with Seattle. I just can’t get over how low the sperm count is with California. My first IUI was 22 million post wash with Seattle. The cost was only 690 for the vile. I have spent so much money on two viles from California and both counts were low 9 and 12 million respectively. Both times I’ve gotten negative results. There is nothing else that I’m doing differently from the first IUI I did where I got pregnant. The only difference is the switching of banks.
Hey, yes, same donor, feel any differently today? I will check the sperm count when I get home. I'm trying ICI. did you get pregnant on the first try with the IUI when you first got pregnant?
Hey, I had my first IUI in February with this donor 14874. The count was 15 million, however it was a BFN. I'm currently on IUI #2 with a different donor because 14874 was out.
15 million is great. Did you purchase an ICI vial or IUI?
I just had an IUI with this donor. I ended up using two vials to get a total of 12 million sperm. I’m praying it worked!
I purchased an IUI vial for that donor. Hoping it works for you. Donor 14874 is out of vials again so I'll be looking for a different donor for our 3rd IUI next month.
Nope, didn’t work again for the 3rd time even though I used two vials for my IUI. So disappointing.
Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that. Sending you positive thoughts.
Thank you!! I have an IVF consultation on Thursday, so I’m optimistic about the next phase in my journey!
So...I never got my period and I tested again and it was positive, so I had to cancel my IVF consultation. I did BETA testing and it confirmed the pregnancy. I don’t think I will ever test early again. I’m just going to wait next time!
I think he has vials available again!
OMG! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! So you had never got a BETA test done? I'm hoping third time is charm for me too, we'll see. I'll have to look and see if he does. I go tomorrow for my 3day blood work and ultrasound.
I had beta testing and it confirmed that I was pregnant but before that I tested at 9DPO and 10 dpo then I stopped. I tested at 2 days late for my period and it was positive. I had Beta testing the next day.
Are you going to use this donor? I think he has a limited amount of vials left.
Ohh okay.
Yes, I just saw that
Just an update on this discussion - Donor 14874 is currently sold out. He may have one final vial release in the summer, but it all depends on a future blood draw. If you would like to be contacted if additional vials become available, please call our Client Services Team at 866-927-9622 and ask to be added to our notification list.
Donor 14874 also has more than 5 reported pregnancies.
California Cryobank