IUI success question

MarieRoseMarieRose Posts: 12
edited November 16, 2018 10:43PM in Two Week Wait

OK. So my fertility clinic wants me to go into the clinic the day after I ovulate to have the IUI. I did this last month and was unsuccessful. Wouldn't I have a better chance of getting pregnant the day I ovulate? Or is really the 2nd day better? HELP! what are the statics for the day of or after? And I'm currently not on medication. Thank you!!


  • Hey! I took medication with all of my IUIs to this point so I'm not sure if its different without medication, but generally you go in a few times before ovulation to see your eggs growing and then I took a a trigger shot. The trigger shot basically forces ovulation and I go in the next morning and the following after that for the IUIs and it helps with timing. I would call your nurse or doctor with any questions. One thing I learned early on was ask whatever questions you have and always advocate for yourself! Good Luck!

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