How many vials did you use per insemination
Hey ladies,
Just wondering how many inseminations you did in one cycle where you got your bfp? I did 1 my first cycle last month but I got a bfn. The nurse prac is saying I should do two next try. Two are of course more pricey but is there really a big difference using 1 vial vs 2? We're trying a different donor this round which I think will make a difference, he recently got a reported preg and the one we used initially still hasn't and he's been active over a year already.
Did you mean back to back like one day after another or two vials at one time? Two vials at one times seems pointless to me. I did two back to back IUI on # and #2 and got BFN. #3 we just did a single and got BFP currently 7 weeks. Good luck!!
@Rentmd14305 I meant two as in one day after the first lol. Oh ok wow that gives me hope lol I will try next cycle with just one! Hopefully it works next cycle thanks and congrats!!!!
Our doctor required that we had two vials at the office, but they only thawed one. If the count was low on it, then they had a back up there ready to thraw. From my understanding, two at once doesn't improve your chances - at least that's what our RE told us.
I've heard a lot of people have luck with two back to back though, like @Rentmd14305 said.
@OurAdventure Yes that's what I meant back to back not two at once. So did you get a bpf with just the 1 vial?
We only used one and I believe the sperm count wasn't incredibly high, maybe around 10 million, though we weren't given the motility. We received our BFP on the first try, with the one vial.
@OurAdventure Oh wow congrats! Thx for the info.
Happy to help! Best of luck.