Questions on donor 15114
Any reported first time/try pregnancies? We're currently in the 2 week wait and just wondered if there was a chance we could be pregnant with round one
Any reported first time/try pregnancies? We're currently in the 2 week wait and just wondered if there was a chance we could be pregnant with round one
@wifeforlife We do have reported pregnancies for Donor 15114. As far as getting pregnant on your first try, it's not common but it's definitely possible. Your chances don't increase or decrease depending on the donor that you used, but it depends on different factors like type of insemination and maternal age.
Best of luck in your TWW! We're sending lots of baby dust your way!
California Cryobank
Hi. Did you wind up getting pregnant with 15114? I'm thinking about using him.
Thank you.
JerseyGrl, I used donor 15114 twice and got pregnant both times. I lost the first pregnancy very early, but am currently about 11 weeks pregnant. They were my 5th and 6th inseminations, respectively.
@JerseyGrl, we did not get pregnant with this donor, unfortunately.
We are using this donor. We had eggs retrieved yesterday. Hoping to connect with other families that used this donor.
@Sarab123 I am using this donor and will try in early fall. If all goes well, I’d be happy to connect. Best of luck!
We got pregnant with this donor first IUI
Congratulations @Ynattirb73 - is this recently? @Sarab123 @TXmama how did things go for you? Wish me baby dust, trying in next couple weeks.
@cryo-admin Any updates on live births etc for this donor?
@hopefulvibesnyc I had my little baby in July! She's the best thing in the whole world.
Congrats, @TXmama - that is wonderful news!!
@hopefulvibesnyc Donor 15114 has more than 5 reported pregnancies. He also has reported births.
California Cryobank
@hopefulvibesnyc currently pregnant, yes
What a fun thread to come across! Congratulations txmama! Anyone else have a child using this donor? I’m currently in my TWW and would love to connect if (fingers crossed) things work out. Thanks for sharing everyone and babydust to you all!
Hello, thank you everyone for this thread and comments! I am using this donor and would love to connect
Congratulations @TXmama
Does anyone else have baby using this donor? How to connect?
@CAhopeful How did it go? @SpringHope How about you? Any luck yet? There are several of us that have connected on the CCB sibling registry, and we've also found some fun ways to connect on social media. Wishing you both all the best!
Hello @TXmama
Am considering IUI or IVF
I have not had a baby yet so I can not register and connect on CCB sibling registry. Am so curious as to how the babies look like the donor and how they are doing milestones wise?
Thank you for your response
So exciting to hear there are several babies from this donor and you have connected
Yes I had my baby girl April 2020. I don’t want to sign up for the sibling registry yet, I want that to be my daughters choice. But I would love to connect with some other genetic relatives to see if there are commonalities