So how do you really do this?

My partner and I are planning on conceiving next year. We went the to doctor already and she stated that I was ok and ready to go and that I should just take prenatal's and watch my cycle. Is that It? How do you know which sperm to buy? We are wanting to inseminate ourselves, so how would this process occur?

thank you!


  • I am currently in the same boat as you. Did you guys have any success? Thank you!
  • @ MelandNat121: My partner and I are at the same step in the process right now. I just began taking prenatal vitamins and downloaded an ovulation app for my phone to help me track my cycle and symptoms each month (I will carry). There are several ovulation trackers out there, and I found one that I seem to really like so far. You can track your basal body temperature each day, nutrition, symptoms, mood, where or not you took an ovulation test or pregnancy test, as well as many other features (it was free BTW). I also purchased ovulation test strips from Amazon--they had much better prices than the local drug store. I plan to track my cycle for a few months to gather the best data about my prime ovulation days. From the research that I've done so far, if you would like to try and conceive from the comfort of home you should purchase ICI vials--these vials do not come pre-washed like the IUI vials. IUI vials are pre washed, as they will be inserted via catheter directly into the uterus, and unwashed specimens can cause infection when directly inserted into the uterus...Once you have targeted your prime ovulation day(s), and selected a donor that you like, you should set up delivery with CCB to coincide with your day of ovulation. Follow the instructions CCB provides regarding thawing and insertion of the specimen. There are special lubricants available, like "pre-seed" that mimics the natural cervical fluid your body produces that will help the little swimmers reach their ultimate destination....If you still have questions, I found that reading some of the other bulletin posts from other users have been helping in learning about the process, which seems to be pretty lengthy and in some cases, very trying. The average IUI resulting in positive pregnancy (which has a slightly higher success rate than ICI) takes three attempts. CCB recommends buying at least 5 vials of a certain donor in order to ensure your donor is going to still be available if the first attempts are not successful. Sorry this was a long post! I'm hoping to have more people to discuss this topic with, as my partner and I are keeping our plans at conception under wraps from friends and family until we are successful! Hope this was helpful and happy baby making to all!
  • I charted for a year before trying. I used the clearblue fertility monitor. I also did a year of herbs, with the guidance of my midwife. I'm 41 and healthy. I did 3 ICIs with no success then an IUI that worked! I'm happy to share details if it's helpful.
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