
Absolutely sick to death with grief

My husband and I crawled at a snail's pace to pick the perfect donor. We compared photos against his childhood photos and when we FINALLY agreed on our ideal donor (Even MIL couldn't tell that wasn't Husband in photo!) he was all sold out! Is there anything that can be done? Donor 15036 was a deadringer for my husband, but he's all sold out and it says that if you've used him and are interested in more vials to contact your office. I haven't used him, but I'd like to in September. Any help or advice? We've been trying for 7 years (male factor) and a few months ago started the search for a donor after he finally suggested the idea on his own, we both sat down, made lists and BOTH of us had #15036. I am so saddened by this, it's like I've already lost before I even got in the game. Is there anything at all that can be done?


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