Natural IUI

My wife and I have tried 3 natural IUI cycles and all have failed. Would you be willing to share how many IUIs it has taken any of you to achieve a positive? Medicated or unmediated? And if you moved to ivf how many ivf cycles. Thank you all.. We are feeling pretty hopeless


  • I did 3 natural IUIs and 3 medicated IUIs. None of those worked, and after six IUIs, my insurance covered IVF. I got pregnant on my first round of IVF with a fresh transfer, and I have two PGS normal embryos on ice for the future. Remember, it can take a healthy straight couple up to a year to conceive. It may seem like everyone is getting pregnant on the first IUI, but in reality, that is the exception and not the norm. Best of luck to you!

  • Thanks schuyler! My insurance will not cover any of it bc it's military insurance so unfortunately it only covers medication for our next 3 iuis. I'm hoping one of those take !! My doctor only wants to use clomid for the next 3 no monitoring...