No reported pregnancies - 15322

We recently purchased vials from donor 15322. This is our second donor (as the first one sold out) and our doctor seemed a little concerned that this donor does not have any reported pregnancies. Is it possible to know how many vials have been sold? Is he not popular because there are no reported pregnancies? Our last donor sold out pretty quickly. Thank you!


  • cryo-admincryo-admin Posts: 4,544
    edited August 21, 2018 1:27AM

    @CSchotte Donor 15322 was only added to our catalog about 3 months ago and few vials have shipped out. I'm not sure who your previous donor was, but different characteristics like eye color, ancestry, and academics can cause a donor to sell out quickly.

    Please keep in mind that another client's pregnancy or lack of pregnancy has no bearing on your personal chance of success. There are many variables involved and we work with women of different ages all over the world. Some do home inseminations, some use egg donors, some freeze embryos for fertility preservation purposes, etc. All of our donors go through the same strict screening process and are capable of achieving pregnancy. (Less than 1% of applicants become Cryobank donors!) You can read more about our process here:

    Best of luck,

    California Cryobank

  • I am also interested in this donor but how come he only had 261 diseases tested for while some had 281. Also I do not see 21 hydrolayxe gene tested on any. Please advise. Thank you

  • @RGsingle We screen our donors for all conditions recommended by the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG). If we determine that a new test will help us identify potential risks to donor offspring, we will add it to our screening process, as we did with the Expanded Genetic Testing panel. The testing performed on any individual donor varies depending upon when he entered our program, what tests were medically recommended and available at that time, and what special testing may have been requested by our clients.

    Please feel free to speak with one of our genetic counselors about testing performed on a specific donor You can also request to have a donor tested for a genetic condition. Our genetics counselors can be reached at 877-743-6384.


    California Cryobank

  • @CSchotte when my wife and I went with our donor in March he had no reported pregnancies either and we got pregnant the first time with him.

  • @CSchotte Just an update, Donor 15322 does have reported pregnancies now.


    California Cryobank

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