Tested for 260+ genetic conditions!
Due to COVID-19, we're providing a new option to ship vials to your home for an at-home insemination.
No other sperm bank does more genetic testing! DNA Advantage donors are screened for 260+ conditions.
Apply to become a sperm donor and help make dreams come true
Bank your baby's newborn stem cells with CBR
Protect your family and bank your baby's stem cells (cord blood & tissue banking)
Search for egg donors with frozen eggs available for immediate use
Hello! I am wondering if anyone has used and had success with donor 13971?
I just delivered a healthy baby boy in September using the sperm from donor 13971. I got pregnant with my third IUI. My wife and I plan to use donor 13971 again when we attempt to have a second child.
My wife and I are starting IUIs this month with 13971!
We have a baby girl from this donor.
Hi Marmie and isobaby - Have you registered on the sibling registry? We'd love to be in contact with other children conceived with 13971. Courtney
We have a baby girl from this donor via IVF 3rd cycle. She was born May 2020
Where is the sibling registry?
@Hubs at the bottom of this page.. under bulletin boards. Says Our community then lists it. You need to report your pregnancy/birth to join
I just delivered a healthy baby boy in September using the sperm from donor 13971. I got pregnant with my third IUI. My wife and I plan to use donor 13971 again when we attempt to have a second child.
My wife and I are starting IUIs this month with 13971!
We have a baby girl from this donor.
Hi Marmie and isobaby - Have you registered on the sibling registry? We'd love to be in contact with other children conceived with 13971. Courtney
We have a baby girl from this donor via IVF 3rd cycle. She was born May 2020
Where is the sibling registry?
@Hubs at the bottom of this page.. under bulletin boards. Says Our community then lists it. You need to report your pregnancy/birth to join