Its A Girl 14873
We had our gender reveal with this donor and its a girl!!!!! ANyone else pregnant with this donor we would love to know the gender of yours?
Have a Blessed Day
We had our gender reveal with this donor and its a girl!!!!! ANyone else pregnant with this donor we would love to know the gender of yours?
Have a Blessed Day
@The2Mommies How wonderful and Congratulations!! By chance do you have any extra vials that you’re looking to sell?
Thank you, We actually only bought three, it happened the first time and we’re trying again. Also we live in another country so selling I think is not accessible. I’m sorry.
We are pregnant with this donor too but we won’t be finding out the sex of the baby till it comes out!
@The2Mommies Thank you for the response! Best of wishes to your growing family.
Currently stimming for ivf with this donor
Omg.... yaya another sibling baby. I can’t wait to find out what ya have.
when’s your due date?!
@2girlscan keep us updated I currently have 14 embryos of this donor as of right now and I've already grown close with @The2Mommies
@The2Mommies congrats!!!!
@Bayleebelle i have an iui vial of this donor in storage. I may sell it after giving birth (diff donor) in November. I would love to stay in touch. If you provide me with your email address, i can contact you directly.
@123abc, I am anxiously waiting for Donor 14873's vials to be released! I am holding off on IUI procedure until his becomes available because he is exactly what my partner and I have been looking for. If @Bayleebelle does not want your vial, please consider getting in touch with me.
First come first serve. I will decide after the birth of my daughter in November as donor 14873 is my back up donor. donor 14873 is really hard to come by. I plan to sell it to a parent, not the bank. Let’s def stay in touch. You can leave me with your email address or hit me up on this message board.
Sounds good. But I’m not quite sure how to send you my email. I haven’t quite figured out this community board.
I’ll take note of your username and will reach out again in Dec/Jan.
Hello @123abc yes our email address is please email and stay in touch.. This is for anyone who has siblings for this donor, we would love to keep siblings contact. Thank you for reaching out to us.... We currently have 2 vials for this donor left and we are deciding what to do next. We are due with our girl October 2.
@123abc I just saw these messages. I am formerly Bayleebelle but just changed my screen name. I don't know why I don't get alerted when someone comments to me, I'll have to check my settings. In any event, has your baby been born? Are you still considering selling the IUI vial of 14873. I noticed mommy2.0 was interested too and I understand if I missed out since I'm just now seeing this. But if that's not the case please let me know. Also, congratulations on your pregnancy. I will be starting my Clomid and hormone injections during my December cycle. Excited and nervous all in one!
@123abc Hello, If you are still looking to sell the vials we would love to be in the running. We had two unsuccessful attempts with our remaining vials and are eager to continue. Please reach out if you can
@123abc , I wanted to reach out to see if you had decided what to do with your vial of 14873.
I am currently waiting to see if doc adds injectables to my Femara dosage, and if I proceed with my 3rd IUI immediately or take a cycle off. If you are still considering selling your vial, please let me know.
My email is
Thanks and God Bless
@123abc Hi! Long shot, we have one embryo with my wife and this donor, and are looking for another vial. Do you happen to have one left? Thanks so much!