Adult Photos?

I noticed you have a new feature on the donor search - adult photos. I’m wondering if some of the older donors (currently without adult photos) eventually going to submit their adult photos? I’m interested in donor 14481.


  • I was wondering the same thing about the adult photos.

  • Also wondering the same - currently interested in 14659.

  • How will we know if they have submitted an adult photo? Will it just be in their donor profile or will there be an additional charge like there was to see childhood photos? I'm interested in donor 13600.

  • Nicole,
    How can we find out if a donor has adult pics available? I am interested in 13788.

  • @Melissa39 @Buzz On each donor's profile page in the Donor Info Items section there is an Adult Photos icon (next to Childhood Photos and Express Yourself). If the donor does not have an Adult Photo it will say N/A and have a red symbol next to it.

    We currently have about 40 donors that have Adult Photos available. Adult Photos can be viewed with a Level 2 or Level 3 subscription or purchased as an a la carte option. If you already purchased a subscription and your donor has Adult Photos available, they would be included in your digital Donor Keepsake when you report a pregnancy. If your donor now has Adult Photos and you already received your Donor Keepsake, you can contact us to send you the item.


    California Cryobank

  • Hi, are you expecting any older donors to still submit adult photos? Or have they all been asked already?

  • cryo-admincryo-admin Posts: 4,544
    edited March 20, 2018 12:29AM

    @reptar Check the donor's profile page over the next few weeks because we are still adding adult photos we received.


    California Cryobank

  • Hello - any way to tell me if donor 14466 is participating? Rather know upfront than continue to check and get my hopes up. Thanks :)

  • @Chicago3 At this point, it’s highly unlikely that additional adult photos will be added for former donors.


    California Cryobank

  • @cryo-admin Can we specifically confirm if a donor of interest will or will not have adult photos posted?

  • @Glida No, if a donor on the catalog doesn't have adult photos, it's highly unlikely they will be added.


    California Cryobank

  • Very interested in adult photos - love this option, would love to see more donors with them. We have 3 other couples we are friends with also happy about this option and interested in seeing this grow to more donors.

  • Thanks. Can I ask why it’s highly unlikely? Are you reaching out to ask? Thanks.

  • We have reached out to our current and retired Open/ID Disclosure donors requesting adult photos. Those interested have provided them. Moving forward, we will only be accepting ID Disclosure donors into our program, so many will have adult photos. We also have a bunch of yet-to-be-released donors with adult photos coming up. Keep checking back! We currently have 51 donors you can view as adults.

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