Seeking vials for 14873
Hello All - I am desperately seeking vials for donor 14873. If anyone has any that they are not planning to use I would love to coordinate to buy them off of you. Thank you.
Hello All - I am desperately seeking vials for donor 14873. If anyone has any that they are not planning to use I would love to coordinate to buy them off of you. Thank you.
@Bayleebelle If you haven't done so already, please call Client Services at 866-927-9622 x 1151 and speak to manager Brian. It looks like we may have IVF vials available for your donor.
California Cryobank
Anymore IUI vials? I’ll buy it today if it’s available.
Thank you for the response Nicole.
@cryobank-admin I called today and they said he didn't have any not even ivf please let me know if that changes
I just saw a release of 25+ ivf vials for this donor.
I’m still waiting for a buy back of iui vials.
I just bought multiple ivf vials for this donor my doctor is going to combine for an iui
Good luck Mamamoe85!
What’s the motility count of ivf vials?
Please keep us posted how it goes for you.
Baby dust to you!
Mamamoe85- do you have kaiser?
@123abc not sure about mobility I think ivf vials should have 5-9 million my last regular you vial for this donor has 16 million...but I'm doing everything out of pocket
When i did my first iui at kaiser they told me the count was in “good range.” The nurse did not have the motility count at the time and they normally do not disclose the actual count.
CA cryobank also did not disclose the ivf vial count. My doc did not recommend ivf vials for iui procedure.
Im glad to hear that you’re able to know the motility count!
@123abc where did you see that 25+ ivf vials were released. When I go to this 14873's profile it still says he's sold out permanently?
@Mamamoe85 do you mind sharing exactly how many vials you purchased to combine into enough for IUI. Also, Good luck and please keep us updated!!
@Bayleebelle I only bought 4 my doctor said they would combine 2 for 1 insemination maybe all 4 depending on the count I didn't get that many because if it's not successful with the ones I have I'm switching donors
@Mamamoe85 Thank you! I hope you have success!!
@Bayleebelle i saw ivf vials on 3/8. By 3/9 or 3/10 they were gone.
I got a BFP with a diff donor.
@Bayleebelle They had 2 iui buy back vials of 14873 if you were still looking.....
Have there been anymore buy back vials of 14873? I am about to start my first round of ivf and this donor is exactly what I was looking for. I didn't realize they got bought up so quickly. please let me know.
@Squirrl We currently have a waiting list for Donor 14873, if you're interested in being contacted in the future if vials become available, please call Client Services at 866-927-9622 and ask to be added to the notification list. Unfortunately, if you're starting IVF in the next couple of months, there's probably a slim chance of getting vials of this donor.
California Cryobank
I keep seeing that Donor 14873 might have vials available in future but no guarantee. When will it be made known if vials will be definitely available or not?
@mommy2.0 It's still too soon to tell since vials are currently in quarantine and the release will depend on a future blood draw. If additional vials are released, I estimate that it might happen in Oct/Nov.
California Cryobank
Nicole, thank you for the response. I will keep my fingers crossed and continue to wait
@mommy2.0 You're welcome. It's likely to happen, but we just can't guarantee it until after the blood draw. If you haven't done so already, you can call Client Services at 866-927-9622 and ask to be added to the notification list so we can email you when additional vials are available.
California Cryobank
I thought he completed the program?
@Mamamoe85 Yes, Donor 14873 was in a unique situation where he retired from our program early, but he was eligible to return and recently came back. This happens very rarely. He may have additional vials released in a few months.
If you're on the notification list, we'll let you know if/when vials become available. (You can be added to the notification list by contacting Client Services at 866-927-9622.)
California Cryobank
I was expecting more vials from Donor 14873 to be released sometime in Dec/Jan, but now it is showing that there are no vials avail or expected to be available in the future.
?????? So his 2nd round of vials didn’t make it out of quarantine?
@mommy2.0 We are waiting as well. Hopefully it makes it out of quarantine. Have you heard anything?
The last I heard there were actually no more vials and none expected to be released
I’m attempting my 3rd IUI this month with my final vial, and it will break my heart if it doesn’t take and I don’t have any more vials from him.
I’m praying and keeping my fingers crossed.