For this child I pray! Help with clarification plz
I'm trying to decide which subscription would be best. Level 2 or Level 3? We are considering an open donor? Any thoughts are welcomed.
I'm trying to decide which subscription would be best. Level 2 or Level 3? We are considering an open donor? Any thoughts are welcomed.
Level 3 gives you access to everything. We chose an open donor as well to ensure our sons can access the other part of their life should they choose to. Email me at jayshoe83 at gmail if you’d like a code to access for free. Best of luck.
@ZShoe16 Thank you for your feedback and sharing your experience. What are your thoughts on completely ruling out a positive CMV status? How did much emphasis did you put on the medical history of your donor? We have a donor that we love but he is anonymous =( ideally we would love to be blessed with a child and that child have access to the donor info or registered siblings. Your thoughts and feedback are greatly appreciated.
I would get the level three subscription. That way you have access to everything and don’t wonder if there’s more that you don’t know. We didn’t pay much attention to cmv status as most people who attended daycare have been subjected to it. Our doctor said “straight couples don’t ask cmv status before having sex and most don’t know what it is.” Made sense to us! Good luck!