Tested for 260+ genetic conditions!
Due to COVID-19, we're providing a new option to ship vials to your home for an at-home insemination.
No other sperm bank does more genetic testing! DNA Advantage donors are screened for 260+ conditions.
Apply to become a sperm donor and help make dreams come true
Bank your baby's newborn stem cells with CBR
Protect your family and bank your baby's stem cells (cord blood & tissue banking)
Search for egg donors with frozen eggs available for immediate use
i was wondering was more affective ici or iui? how do i know how much sperm is good enough?
We've used IUI for both our sons. ICI I believe is for home insemination. Counts can vary. For our fertility doctor she only required 5mi our first donor had 18 million our second had 20 mil. Best of luck.
We've used IUI for both our sons. ICI I believe is for home insemination. Counts can vary. For our fertility doctor she only required 5mi our first donor had 18 million our second had 20 mil. Best of luck.