BFP with 14873
Posts: 19
We decided on this donor and we are sooo excited we go in for our first round of IUI in January. Would love to know if anyone has used him.
Thank you
Baby Dust to you all!!!!!
I just ordered him and go for my iui in january too he was everything i was looking for we should keep in touch
Yes, Keep me updated on how its going for you.....
Yayayayaya how exciteing.
HI @The2Mommies - I just ordered the same vial today and will have my IUI when I ovulate which should be this weekend.
if you don't mind me asking did you already have your IUI this month? if so, how did things go? do you remember the motility count?
@jamjack We got BFP yayayayaya... Now we just wait it out for first u/s. I have no idea the numbers we are currently in Japan and using a Japanese doctor its a quick in and out thing and we never asked. Fingers crossed for you..
We have done 2 iuis with this donor!! Currently in the 2ww for iui number 2. Great numbers! I think it was 75 million post wash..... If anyone has extra vials they want to sell, let me know.... I'm so worried that if this doesn't work there aren't anymore to buy
I'm in the same boat and my back up has limited availability then my third choice I'll have to buy from someone smh hard to find biracial donors
Yes, Biracial donors are so hard to come by.... Baby Dust to all!!!! @Mamamoe85 Fingers Crossed...
16 million in our iui vial after thaw I'm now officially in the TWW
Just got our BFP on iui number 2 with the same donor!!!!!! If anyone else who is pregnant wants to keep in touch my email is ❤️❤️❤️
iui #1 not successful I'm onto a new donor....Congrats to everyone else who was successful...
@Mamamoe85 Good luck!
I'm still hoping I this donor's iui vials become available.
Hi everyone, update my wife body released 5 eggs and one took!!!! We are 14 weeks and very strong very high heart beat! We’re hoping the old wives tales are wrong cause we soooooo want a boy! Lol how is everyone else doing?
Were having a GIRL.. October
Congrats!!! Any tips for me? My wife and I are going in for our insemination in a few days.
5 embabies with this donor impatiently waiting for my transfer
5 embabies with this donor impatiently waiting for my transfer