Natural IUI cycle Success Donor 12558
Hello everyone, my wife and I have done 3 medicated cycles with this donor all failed sadly. I am writing in to see if any couples have done a ALL natural cycle with this donor and has it been successful the first try? Please let me know we are doing it in a few days once my cycle is done. Thanks and much baby dust to us all!
Hi there! We just completed our first medicated IUI cycle with this donor and it failed. Would you be willing to share what the total motile numbers were for each of your vials that failed? Ours was 8 million. Everything else about our cycle was perfect and the only concern from our RE is the lower motile number. We have two more vials from this donor and are wondering if we should chance another single vial insemination or mix both remaining vials to up the numbers and our chances. I know this donor has other reported pregnancies so I’m curious if this was just a lower than average vial for this donor or if it’s what we should expect with the remaining vials.
We’re using this donor for our next cycle! I will keep you updated on our numbers!
@MaybeMama24 We just completed our second medicated IUI with this donor and ended up having to mix our last two vials to achieve a count of 10 million. I’m hopeful for this cycle regardless! I hope your cycle went well!
@Justmarried1118 - We weren't given numbers at our IUI..
We have our BETA on the 26th.
@Justmarried1118 - 9dpiui and we got a very faint line!! We will keep you updated!
@MaybeMama24 So hopefully y’all pulled out a BFP with that faint line!! We inseminated on 4/10 and are currently 7 weeks today!!
We DID get a BFP! 8 weeks tomorrow!!
We have nearly identical due dates!! We need to stay in touch!
Congratulations!!!! Yes, we have to keep in touch!! Is there a way to direct message on here instead of in this thread?
I added you!
Hi you both! Congrats on the positive results. We have 6 siblings connected. I just gave birth 2 weeks ago. Let me know if you both want to connect with the other siblings.
Hey Y'all!!! We are nearly 8 weeks with Twins!
That’s great! We are 4 weeks away from having our baby girl! Let’s stay connected!
Omg this thread is super exciting! We just delivered a Boy 12/3/18 with this donor! Wow more siblings on the way! Super excited for you,
Please keep in touch!
Update: We are 29 weeks with a Boy and a Girl!
Congrats!! Another boy and girl on the way! Our son is 6 months next week and boy is he animated!!! Please keep in touch!
anyone on her not connected to our donor FB?
Send me a message