
Selecting a donor

S14760sS14760s Posts: 42
edited December 15, 2017 4:01AM in Selecting a Sperm Donor

I'm just curious , what made you pick the donor that you picked. Out of all the profiles you viewed why did you select him?


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    My wife and I wanted to choose someone who had similar characteristics to her since I am carrying, so we chose someone with similar features and interests. She's a redhead, so that narrowed down our choices quite quickly, but, really, the most important thing to both of us was health history. I have a long history of cancer in my family (all four grandparents, my uncle, and my aunt all passed away from it), and it was important to me that we didn't double up our chances of passing it down to our child by choosing a donor who also had a history of cancer. I'm also CMV negative, and our doctor suggested we choose a donor who is, too. Given all of that, our choice kind of made itself, and we are very lucky to have found someone who fits our profile exactly!

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    @schuyler that sounds very nice. That's good that you guys found someone who fit your health profile and physically what you were looking for. Have you had any luck with the donor you selected any pregnancies?

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    Unfortunately, no. I'm halfway through the TWW for my sixth IUI (third medicated). If this one doesn't take, then we are moving to IVF next month.

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    @schuyler fingers crossed for you my friend!

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