donor 14572
Hi, this donor only has IVF vials left. Could multiple vials be used to do an IUI since that is sold out? Or will there be a new inventory in the near future?
Hi, this donor only has IVF vials left. Could multiple vials be used to do an IUI since that is sold out? Or will there be a new inventory in the near future?
I would say ask your Dr. Mine said it would be fine to use 2 IVF vials instead of 1 IUI. For an IUI procedure.
Hi All,
While IVF vials contain plenty of sperm for IVF procedures, they are not necessarily equal to half a premium vial by volume. Therefore, two IVF vials may contain fewer sperm than expected from an IUI Premium vial.
IVF vials are intended for IVF/ICSI and not subject to the same standards or guarantees as IUI or ICI vials.
@chongfrisco Donor 14572 completed our donor program and no additional vials will be released.
California Cryobank