How have you been able to financially afford this process?

If you are doing this alone(without a husband) how have you been able to afford this process financially? Cause all this process is quite expensive. Each vial is almost $500, plus doctor consultations, fertility meds, ultrasounds, blood tests, and others. How have you been able to handle it? Have you had to pawn off your things or borrow money from someone? take out a loan? or do you have a high paying job that makes it no problem?


  • Some ways to help with the cost is making a bought and saving as much money possible. CCB has also has a payment plan available as well also there is a card that can help with things that the insurance might not cover it is care credit that’s what I’m planning on using along with CCB payment plans the web site are here for you to use. Some of the smaller cost can come out of pocket or other ways you plan to finance this. I hope this helped because I was like you not to long ago wondering how this would be possible because of the coast is so high.
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