Donor 12338

I was wondering how many report pregnancy this donor has?


  • Hi kristi -

    12338 has more than 5 reported pregnancies and at least one reported birth.


  • Is there a way to find out how many of his vials have been sold because I have some concerns due to it seem like there were 5 reported pregnancies 2 years ago. Is there an average of pregnancy per donors usually have. I just purchased 3 vials and this is my last chance and I want to make sure to have high chance of getting pregnant.
  • Hi Kristi -

    You have nothing to worry about. Your chances of success have nothing at all to do with the donor. All CCB donors are highly screened for specimen quality. Each individual donation is checked.

    The average donor has about 12-15 reported pregnancies. That number varies based on how long the donor has been available and how popular he is.

    Good luck,

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