
Very painful HSG

Has anyone had severe cramping during an HSG procedure? My second one is coming 8/19. My first time I had to ask the doc to stop, i was gonna pass out. Any advice?


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    Did your doctor instruct you to take any pain killers before your last HSG ?.. I had one done in March and it wasnt bad at all. I was instructed to take the antibiotic they prescribed and also told to take motrin a certain amount of time before the procedure, i dont have the sheet in front of me so i forget the dosage, but i recall taking an extra one, and i didnt have any pain. Good luck ! :)
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    I did take 600mg of motrin. this time my doc is saying that he will give me valium, norco and motrin 30min before. but I'm still scared as hell
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    Hi Sweety. I understand completely. My HSG was extremely painful and I have a high pain tolerance. My RE suggested I bring my mom with me for the test but she wasn't available so I went on my own. I don't think I've ever felt pain like that since I was in labor with my daughter who is now 8. It truly felt like labor...which it kind of was seeing as how they make your uterus contract. I took the motrin as suggested but it did nothing for the pain during the procedure.

    I think you'll do much better with the meds your doctor plans to use. I hope it goes better for you. Let me know how you make out.
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    thanks, I'll let you know how it goes
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    I'm happy to tell you that my HSG went smooth. 2 valiums did the trick, thank God. My tubes are clear, everything looked great. Now I'm gonna start with my clomid cycles next month
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    Great news Sweety! I'm glad the valium helped and great news that all is clear and you're ready to go. That must be such a relief now that that is over. :)
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    I'm glad the medications helped. It is certainly uncomfortable. I just got my lab results back and they weren't good at all. I'll pray you get a bfp
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    have you achieved pregnancy with a donor? or are you in the process?

    SV Queen, whats goin on with your labs? I'll pray for you too
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    Thanks for asking Sweety. It's been a long road! I had my 3rd miscarriage in June and just found out last week after they did testing due to the recurrent miscarriages I have a chromosomal issue that is causing the miscarriages. I went forward with the cycle I was in the middle of on August 17 and will hope for the best. I had TWO perfect follicles. It seemed crazy to just stop my cycle, lose the money for my monitoring, and waste 2 possible babies. I have not had any problems getting pregnant so I'm hoping that's the case this time. Then I have a really long wait to find out if I'll miscarry again or end up with a healthy baby...or 2. I meet with a genetic counselor tomorrow to get some more specific details. And in a week I'll know if I'm pregnant or not!!
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    wow, you've been through a lot. hopefully this time you do end up pregnant and maintain it. If twins even better. please let me know how you do? and if you are pregnant next week. I will keep you in my prayers. Are you a single mom? You do have a daughter as well correct? anyway, wish you the best!
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    My appt with the genetic counselor went really well today. They were so nice! They explained things thoroughly. I was quite pleased with the odds she gave me. She was surprised I was happy with that, but I guess when I went in thinking I had a 50/50 chance of a healthy baby and hearing my odds are better makes it good. She said I have a 15% chance of a baby with Down Syndrome and 75% of those pregnancies would end in miscarriage. I asked her about 4 times, "that means I have an 85% chance of a healthy baby" and she confirmed that every time.

    I am a single mom. I was married when I had my daughter but have been divorced for 6 years (my daughter is 8). So 1 more week to find out if I'm pregnant. I hate these 2ww's!
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    Becky : Good luck to you !!
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    good luck, can't wait for the good news!
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    Thanks! I am hoping this is finally the one. Friday is the big day...at least hopefully the first big day for this pregnancy!
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    hi Becky,

    any luck? Are you preggers? Let me know. I hope you are
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    Hi Sweety. I will tell you reluctantly that I am pregnant!!! However, I have not gotten happy or excited yet which surprised me a bit. But it's been a really long road and I have quite a few hurdles to get past before I can celebrate. But this was the first hurdle.

    My HcG was 72 on day 13 past IUI. I will get my second draw tomorrow but won't get the result until Tuesday due to the holiday. I'm so nervous. I never have any pregnancy symptoms and wish I could be sick or something so I knew things were ok. Unfortunately I have to just wait.

    So I guess after 3 miscarriages it's hard to be excited about things right now. But I'm hoping and praying that this is finally the one that will stick and I will be able to be happy and celebrate soon.

    Sweety, when do you expect to start your Clomid? It should be soon, right? You must be getting excited.

    I'll keep you posted...hopefully with more good news as the weeks go on.
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    OMG, I have a big smile on my face. congrats, yes God willing this will stick for 9mo. I'm going to see my RE for a baseline sono, to see how my ovaries look or so, then the doc will hopefully prescribe clomid. i secretly wish I have twins, lol. ya, this process will start on about 9/8/13 or so, when my next period starts. I can't wait!!I'm 36 and never had kids before. how old are you? and are you from California? I'm from LA. it seems that you get pregnant easily. I wish i get pregnant with my first IUI.
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    That's exciting Sweety. Hopefully your baseline will look great and you'll be in your first tortuous 2ww before you know it. Twins definitely be double the joy! I'm hoping for twins at this point too.

    I am 35 and actually live in Pennsylvania. I have an 8 year old daughter from a previous marriage. I got pregnant with her on the first try. I am now a single mom trying again and I just thought it would be as easy as the first time. My daughter has been asking for a baby brother or sister for years and I really want to give her one....or two! I am so scared and completely not excited and just want reassurance that this is going to be it. Right now I'm just waiting for the bad news, whenever it may decide to come. But I hope I'm wrong this time.
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    ok cool. hope everything goes positive for you. I have a feeling it will. hang in there. let me know how things go and if your hCG is successfully going up.
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    oh and wait, did your IUI's hurt? Do you thinkI should take valium? what so you think?
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    Thanks for your thoughts Sweety. So far so good. My HcG went from 72 up to 176 in 2 days which is a 38 hour doubling time. So that's good. I still have quite a few weeks until I'll know for sure. I have my first u/s next Thursday which will show the sac (too early for a heartbeat) but that's the next hurdle to get past.

    As far as the IUI's hurting...I don't think so. Not ANYTHING like the HSG. I might have cramped slightly when they put the catheter through my uterus but just cramping. They leave it in for 15 minutes while I lay there. It isn't really comfortable, but I wouldn't say painful.
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    I went for my first u/s before starting meds and I have only 4 follicles. Can you believe it? I'm shocked and worried. How many follicles did you have? is this even a concern?
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    how is your hcg level?
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