
Telling people

To those of you who are ahead of me on this adventure, what did you tell people about how you conceived? I thought I would be completely relaxed and open about it, but now that I'm 12 weeks and the reality of announcing my pregnancy is here, I feel a little weird about it. Of course, my family and close friends know the whole story, it's acquaintances and colleagues I feel weird about telling. If I were married or even merely involved with someone I would probably be shouting it from the rooftops. I really want to just let them wonder about who the father is and if they're bold enough to ask, just say he's not involved. The problem I have is that while that is true it feels dishonest and like I'm ashamed of how I created this baby. I never want my child to feel like I am in any way embarrassed or ashamed of how he/she came to be. But I also feel like it's no one's business unless I decide to make it their business. I'm probably over-analyzing as usual, but if you would be willing to share your experience I would really appreciate it.


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    shonarb73, I told them I had a frozen popsicle. I didn't tell everyone that, but the ones that I liked/felt close to. Otherwise I just told them I was pregnant. Let them wonder. If they asked I have no issues being honest. I have to tell my 7 year old niece and 5 year old nephew, but I think they are prepared for it based on a conversation my niece had with my mom a couple weeks ago. One of their neighbors is a single mom and my niece told my mom that I do not need a husband to have a baby. Out of the mouth of babes. You need to do what you feel comfortable doing. Good luck and let us know what you decide.
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    shonarb - I am 8 weeks along and only close family knows...but most people in my life knew that I was trying. For the rest, I plan on just being honest about it...like you said, it's no one's business but I'd rather people feel that they can ask questions about the process rather than discuss it behind my back. Just from my experience of sharing that I had started the process I have found so much support and honest curiousity just about how it all works.
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    I told the staff members at my school, my school parents/kids, and FB during my 12th week. I just said I was pregnant- no details for the most part. I was a bit nervous every time, especially when I sent the letter home to my school parents. I was pleasantly surprised by the total lack of judgment that came my way- it was all hugs and enthusiasm, even from the more conservative people. It is no secret that I am single- I go by Miss Hughes with the kids- but no one cared. Any questions that have come my way have seemed very innocent, and I have answered them truthfully. I think most of them have guessed that I did it entirely alone, and are just curious about the details.

    Now this baby is the talk of the school, but only in a supportive sense. I can't get through the day without being asked about the gender ;-)

    I don't know your situation (or if you live in a liberal or conservative environment), but I found that most people are understanding and just want to see me happy. In my case, honesty has been the best policy. I hope it all works out far you!
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    My daughter is almost 2 and I didnt tell ANYONE its none of their business.My family and friends are not open to things like this.I'm very proud of my decision to get pregnant this way.
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