Donor 14492 IUI today


I just did my IUI today with donor 14492. The count was 27 million which they said was very good. I'm wondering if there are any others with experience using this donor. I know there are a couple of threads about this donor but they all went cold.


  • My count on this donor was 6. Something million and motility of 8% :( glad yours washigher

  • So my first iui with this donor was low motility and a low count. Today I planned to use two vials but they thawed one and said his count was great and double the last vial. I ordered three at the same time so wonder how they were so different. The first one was negative so I’m crossing my fingers that today’s worked. I will let you know. Just always ask about the count and motility pre iui and I wanted to share so you know vials from the same donor differ

  • SECOnd iui failed. One more attempt with this donor than moving to the back up donor