
A.R.T. vials

Does CCB still offer A.R.T. vials? Would they be listed if available for a donor?


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    Hi Netti -

    Yes, we still have a limited amount of donors that have ART vials available. If the donor has ART vials, it would be displayed on the donor profile page in the pink box along with the vial price.

    If you would like a list of donors with ART vials available, please email me: nicole@cryobank.com


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    Oh wow I thought a customer rep told me that any of the IUI, or ICI vials can be used for IVF. Is that not true?
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    Hi Texas -

    Yes, any IUI or ICI vials can be used for IVF. Your physician's office may have a preference, so it's always a good idea to check with them.

    ART vials have less sperm than our Premium vials, so we only suggest using these vials if you are doing IVF or an advanced procedure that doesn't require as much sperm.


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