BFP and you were sur AF was coming?
Posts: 296
Did anyone feel that there period was on the way, but actually got a BFP? I have two more days to wait and the wait hasn't been to bad, but I haven't been that hopeful either. Around day 9 I had low back pain and sore breasts. I'm just wondering if there is still hope for this cycle...
Today for me is 12dpiui. I tested yesterday morning and this morning and BFNs both days. I'm worried this is just not my month. I also have been have bad cramps... which is unusual for me aswell. I normally get bad cramps with my period but its always the day of and the day after.
I will go in for a blood test on day 14.. also the same day I'm supposed to start my period. I hope I am just testing too early and Ill get my BFP!
Congrats on your miracle :)
MistyandCarla- Reece was 14lbs Friday? Yes,listening and seeing the baby's heart beating on the monitor was so amazing...kinda puts a realness to it.