
Pregnant with 13463

We found out earlier this week we are preggers! Anyone else out there have success with this donor?


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    He's not my donor, but I just wanted to say congratulation!! Was this your first try?
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    Was it your first iui? Did u use meds? Congrats
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    I am currently 14 weeks pregnant by donor 13463.
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    It was our first try and did not use meds. Very excited and hoping all goes well.

    sandj2014 Congrats! I plan on registering on the sibling board down the road.
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    Yay that gives me hope. I too am trying this round without meds. Crossing my fingers it worked.
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    Good luck to you!
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    Muffin0615, I also became pregnant on IUI #1 without any meds. In fact, I produced two eggs naturally and my hormone levels were so high on the first blood test they thought it was twins. We too also plan on using the sibling registry. So exciting! Congrats again!
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    Have ya'll found out the sex of the baby yet? How are you feeling.
    We're coming up on ten weeks and my work clothes are getting tighter!! Our next appointment is not scheduled for another 4 weeks and I feel like I cannot wait.
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    I am 23 weeks today and feel fantastic! We are having a boy! I've only gained about 15 pounds to date but spread from a size 8 to size 14 almost overnight! I started wearing pregnancy pants around 13 weeks because I couldn't see the sense in just buying bigger clothes that I hope I won't have to keep post delivery. I joke and say buttons on pants are the work of the devil's minions because it feels like the baby is trying to rip the buttons through my belly! How is everything for you? Hope all is well!
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    Yes! I'll be 14 weeks on Wednesday and will go back to the doctor in December hopefully everything will be fine and find out the sex. I've gained about 7 or so pounds and am starting to show. I need to go out and get a few more pants to prepare for the coming weeks. I've been lucky not to have any sickness I've just been extremely exhausted!

    I'm glad everything is going well for you and your family! Congrats on the baby boy!
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    Can I ask you ladies if the count with the donor was good? I've had two IUI's and the count was extremely low both times. Any idea what the count was when you had your IUI's?
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    sandj2014 and muffin0615,

    I'm also pregnant w donor 13463. I'd love to share experiences on a more private forum. As well as find future "siblings" for my little Zoë.
    If you want to feel free to email me on my spam email account (if you write there I'll give you my regular email address). MY spam email is; ellamona at hotmail.com.

    ssquared2 - yes the sperm count was very good - don't have the paperwork right here - but it was good. The second time I tried with this donor it worked (first attempt was w/o any hormones). Second time I used Clomid and then a booster shot right before insemination. I did IUI, not IVF.
    I started off with twins but one stopped growing at 6 weeks and 4 days. The one I'm pregnant with now is + 29 weeks and everything looks great so far.
    I'm 39, turning 40 (on the due date) and healthy. No previous pregnancies.
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    I'm very hopeful that the count will be higher if we have to do our third IUI. This last IUI the count was only 4.7mil. We are in the TWW now. The cryobank said the two vials were collected on the same day and they were the only two from that day. We purchased 10 total! I really don't want to switch donors and reading that a few of you conceived quickly gives us hope. We are giving it another chance before switching if this try is unsuccessful. I used no drugs, just the HCG trigger the first try. The second time I used letrozole and a the trigger. I recently turned 36 and have no previous pregnancies. So happy for you! Best of luck with everything.
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    I hear that the sperm count can also be affected by how it's thawed. Different clinics use different methods which can alter the result quite drastically?!?! (Feel free to research this, I don't know too much myself).

    Hope everything will be good this time, if not, perhaps consider taking ovulation stimulating medication. Clomid is what I got (or was that was Letrozole did as well?). You may produce more than one egg per cycle and thus increase your chances.
    With 10 vials you have time and many chances left. :)

    My greatest advice is probably to try to relax mentally/emotionally. I tested negative 13 days after IUI (should be too late to not test positive). Was SURE I was not pregnant, lived "as usual" went to Bali, climbed volcanoes, surfed, chilled, had fun and thought about myself and enjoying the moment. Voila, no anxiety or nerves in the way and the little one decided to stay!
    On the other hand I know a couple who have tried now for two years, it has put a lot of stress onto the relationship and after +1 of these 2 years IVFs, tons of money and hospital visits. Draining to say the least, add to that the pressure of aging (41 years old). No success yet...
    I do firmly believe in the mind-body connection, and while there are things we definitely CANNOT control I do think that to a certain degree (not the sole reason, but part of it) there is a difference in success rate if you compare stress free, calm, happy go lucky, non-worried couples, with those who are nervous, anxious and stressed. I'm sure you have heard about the classic. Couple tries for years to conceive, gives up, adopts, emotional stakes go down, voila!!! woman gets pregnant...

    Best of luck!

    Stay positive 10 vials is a lot! :)
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    I have heard that the way the sperm is thawed can alter the results. CCB also told me if it wasn't completely thawed, then the results may not be accurate. It is a reproductive lab in a large hospital facility that specializes in all things reproduction. If it were my regular gyn office doing the thaw, I'd probably question it more.

    I did use ovary stimulating hormone letrozole also known as femara. It actually does the same thing as clomid without thinning the lining of the uterus. I did produce a few more follicles. Letrozole doesn't typically produce as many as clomid, but it has far less side effects. We are working with a Reproductive Endocrinologist and have been from the start so I feel that helps too.

    We have several close friends who have gone through this process, both resulting in IVF after several failed attempts. They have advised us well, but trying to stay calm and relax is soooo hard. Doing my best, but some days are harder/easier than others.

    So tomorrow should be the final test. I tested day 11 and saw a faint line and got my hopes up. Tested day 13 and it was completely negative. They told me to wait until Thursday or Friday. I am testing tomorrow (Thursday) morning. Fingers crossed, but I have my doubts. I must say though, your story is very promising!!
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    Ssquared2, how did it go? Did you test pos or neg? If neg, don't give up, just go again and again! :)
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    It was negative. My partner and I didn't want to risk a third try with low count again. We ended up switching donors and I had my IUI on Saturday and I'm happy to report that the count was over 10 million! That in itself was success. Now we wait. And we are NOT giving up. We will keep going until we bring home a baby :) How are you feeling? Getting closer to your due date!
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    How do you know the sperm count?
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    The hospital/fertility clinic will analyze it for you and give you all the specs; X, Y, motility, etc at the time of insemination...
    As thawing is done differently at different clinics, it is important to make sure that you go to a good place so you don't lose lower sperm count due to the method of thawing.

    Perhaps you might have had a very early miscarriage as you first tested faintly positive, then neg? And if so, it's prob due to the quality of the egg you released that cycle (not the sperm). My thought anyhow, I'm not a physician...

    I am now, in hindsight thinking I had a miscarriage at an earlier attempt. I tested before 13 days post insemination to wait until "last possible" date. At this previous attempt it took a very long time for my period to come back. And once I did get my "period", it was really heavy bleeding for more than a week (I never bleed much, nor for long). I never thought anything about it back then, as I thought the hormone treatment I had just gone through probably delayed my period as well as caused the heavier bleeding.
    This time, when I did get pregnant (without knowing as I tested neg 13 days post ins again) I felt just as I did that time. Can't explain what that "feeling" is, just that this time around when it took forever for my period to NOT come, I was thinking "Ah, it's just like that time, it'll come eventually, and it'll come in floods..." Luckily it didn't ;)
    I'm 39 now (40 on my due date), and was then 38. While I'm totally healthy (well except from some current eye problems) my eggs are perhaps no longer in the best state, and as it's often poor egg quality that cause miscarriages, I believe it's quite possible that I did miscarry, unknowingly...

    In terms of my pregnancy now I'm still feeling great, as I have all along. :) 50 days eft to due date today, she's active in there... :)
    She was one week "too big" at my last prenatal, but hopefully she won't continue to grow too fast/too much. I want natural delivery and don't want to have to push out a giant, neither for her, nor for my, sake. Don't ant to dislocate her shoulders, don't want to tear myself, and so on. Will start HypBirth tomorrow (tomorrow I'm 33 weeks) and see if that'll help me to mentally and physically prepare.

    Had a another unrelated surgery scare though. My retina tore and started to detach and I was facing emergency eye surgery. Due to pregnancy I cannot do this under general anesthesia, nor can I pop unlimited amounts of painkillers and antibiotics afterwards to prevent infection and pain.
    So far they performed two laser surgeries but the laser cannot reach everywhere (due to water in the detachment area) so from Tues and on I'm on a biweekly monitoring to see if site stabilizes or worsens. I'm hoping and praying. Retinal detachment leads to blindness, quickly, thus I MUST do the surgery if the situation gets worse, immediately, it cannot wait until after delivery.

    So while my lil Zoë seems oblivious in there, I'm hoping, wishing, and praying that I'll be able to SEE her when she comes out ;)

    Good luck with your new donor!
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    I'm about 100% sure it was a false positive because of the HCG trigger (Ovidrel) still being in my system. It can stay in your system up to 14 days. I have pretty light periods and that one was just as light as all the others. Anyway, I'm at day 10 post IUI and I'm so eager to just test, but I'm trying very hard to wait. My body is telling me it's negative. I really think I know this, but truthfully how could I tell? I just want to know! The TWW honestly feels longer than an entire month.

    Sounds like your dealing with some extra health issues you don't need right now. Hoping your eye is okay and that if you need surgery and it wait until after Zoe arrives :-)

    Keep me posted!
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    Sorry about that. Hope you get positive this time around. VERY soon you'll know :)

    I can't believe how smooth my pregnancy has been so far. I'm blesses! 44 days left today... :)

    (Eye still on very close monitoring, Dr's visits every three days, so far I have escaped the knife...)
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    How have you been feeling? A little less than a month to go! This has got to be such an exciting time full of anticipation. I had my fourth IUI a week ago. I will know this weekend how it went. Two more tries after that until insurance will cover IVF. Hoping for good news before that has to happen.

    Wishing you well!
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    hope it went well for you!

    i'm good thx, 20 days to go :) no more risk for pre-term, now it'd be early term, 2 more weeks and she'll be full term...
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    Little Zoë was born on April 17th, 3 hours before her due date (and mom's birthday). Perfectly healthy!

    Mom wants to thank Donor number 13463 as well as find "siblings" for her precious baby girl!

    (Please email me at ellamona@hotmail.com if you're a parent of a sibling and would like to get in touch).
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    Congrats!! And a happy birthday to you. The best gift you could ever get. Enjoy that little bundle of joy :-)
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