6 Week Scan!

Had my first ultrasound today since my BFP! Was so nervous and hoping everything would go well :) I definitely got a big surprise when there were two babies on the monitor! Baby 1 is measuring in at 5 weeks and 4 days which is behind baby 2 who is measuring in appropriately at 6 weeks 4 days. Both have good heart beats but there is always the chance baby 1 will not continue to grow. I'm staying positive as the Physician Assitant said he could be a fighter! I will go back next Wednesday for another scan and see how things are progressing! Hope everyone's journey is going in a positive direction and wishing baby dust for you all! Will keep the updates coming :)


  • That is sooo exciting! Such a shock I am sure! Best wishes and keep us posted!
  • Yay Jen! So happy for you. And two for the price of one. ;P I'm sure that was a surprise.
  • Thanks! Absolutely! My next scan is Wednesday so we will see if baby 1 is still growing :)
  • Awesome!!!! Tell that PA it's not he could be a fighter, he IS a fighter. They have both already overcome obstacles
  • So today I had my second ultrasound....baby #1 is no longer growing :(. But the good news is baby #2 is perfect and right where he should be! I was able to hear the heartbeat which is amazing! No legs yet but arm buds are forming! One more scan with my RE and then I'm being sent to my regular OB!! Can't believe I am 7 1/2 weeks already! Good luck to everyone on their journey!
  • How's it going?
  • Things are going great! Had another scan Wednesday and the baby is growing right on schedule! Heart beat is strong and just amazing to hear! I've never been more tired in my entire life but I know it is so worth it! Oh and "morning sickness" is an all day event for me :) lol! Again all worth it! I was released from my RE and will be starting my pre-natal visits with my regular OB on Thursday!

    How did your retrieval go?
  • Jenn - did you do IUI? If so, how many tries until you got pregnant? Did you use any medications?

  • Hi Chase!

    I was super lucky and had success with my second IUI. My RE had me using follistem on both cycles with a trigger shot before the insemination. I'm 11 weeks pregnant today!

  • Jenn- are you over to your regular OB now? How are things going? Any signs of morning sickness showing up? I can't believe you're already 11 weeks! So exciting.
  • Hi Sf13!

    Yes I went to my regular OB about a week and a half ago. I have to go to a perinatalogist on Friday for a nuchal test. It's when they measure the thickness of the spinal cord at the back of the babies neck (I think) then I go back to my regular OB for monthly visits. Morning sickness is gone and I'm getting my energy back :) I never threw up but had dry heaves and nausea which in comparison to some people is probably nothing :)

    When is your transfer?

  • My transfer was last Wednesday, so I should find out this week. Fingers crossed. This waiting is for the birds! And I just reread earlier in your post about your morning sickness. Poor thing. After you got your BFP, how soon after did you start feeling pregnancy symptoms? People keep asking me "do you feel different?" and I'm like "nope". Everything feels the same, not sure if that's normal or not. Also, this nuchal test that they're going to do...is it a standard one or did they recommend it for some reason? And how do they do it? Ultrasound I assume? Hope all is well.
  • It was weird.....I was really tired the week I found out. The tiredness just got worse for the next few weeks and the nausea started about week 4 I think and ended week 10ish. I honestly didn't think it worked because I felt the same as the first IUI but a little bit different and I couldn't explain what that small difference was. I just kept thinking that I was over analyzing every little thing and most people would have no idea that hey were 2 weeks pregnant.

    The nuchal test is something everyone does as far as I know. My friends who have had kids and are under 35 had it too.

    Good luck with everything and I can't wait to hear about your BFP!
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