6 Week Scan!
Posts: 97
Had my first ultrasound today since my BFP! Was so nervous and hoping everything would go well :) I definitely got a big surprise when there were two babies on the monitor! Baby 1 is measuring in at 5 weeks and 4 days which is behind baby 2 who is measuring in appropriately at 6 weeks 4 days. Both have good heart beats but there is always the chance baby 1 will not continue to grow. I'm staying positive as the Physician Assitant said he could be a fighter! I will go back next Wednesday for another scan and see how things are progressing! Hope everyone's journey is going in a positive direction and wishing baby dust for you all! Will keep the updates coming :)
How did your retrieval go?
I was super lucky and had success with my second IUI. My RE had me using follistem on both cycles with a trigger shot before the insemination. I'm 11 weeks pregnant today!
Yes I went to my regular OB about a week and a half ago. I have to go to a perinatalogist on Friday for a nuchal test. It's when they measure the thickness of the spinal cord at the back of the babies neck (I think) then I go back to my regular OB for monthly visits. Morning sickness is gone and I'm getting my energy back :) I never threw up but had dry heaves and nausea which in comparison to some people is probably nothing :)
When is your transfer?
The nuchal test is something everyone does as far as I know. My friends who have had kids and are under 35 had it too.
Good luck with everything and I can't wait to hear about your BFP!