Curious to know if anyone has used sperm from Donor 14331 and, if so, your outcome.


  • We used donor 14331 and my wife is currently 8 weeks 3 days pregnant. We originally conceived twins but lost one at 6 weeks. However, 8 weeks we have one strong and healthy baby.
  • Congratulations on the pregnancy and condolences for your loss. May I ask if you guys did ivf or iui and what the counts were for the vials you used?

    We are doing our first iui (I hope - assuming monitoring goes well) with this donor this week or next.
  • I did my first IUI this morning with donor 14331. Curious how you're both doing.
  • Unfortunately my first IUI with 14331 was a BFN. Trying again this month - we are doing natural cycles - dr. says about 10-15% chance of success.
  • Unfortunately my first IUI with 14331 was a BFN. Trying again this month - we are doing natural cycles - dr. says about 10-15% chance of success.
  • Sorry to hear that. I know how emotionally exhausting this process can be. Good luck on the next cycle. I'm still in my two week wait.
  • Any luck intothemystic? Our second also bfn and onto the third :)
  • No. Both natural iui's were BFN. Starting medicated iui cycle now. I'm 39 so the dr does not want to waste time. Insemination should be in about a week. Will let you know!
  • I'm joining this post late but I did 4 iui with 14331. The first was natural and bfn. Then two medicated (cookie and follistim) and bfn the fourth was all follistim with ovidrel trigger and got a bfp but ended in early loss. Moved onto ivf. Out of 27 eggs retrieved 23 were mature and 21 of those fertilized and 18 look like they'll make it to 5 day blasts which are great numbers.
  • Psau- amazing numbers! Best of luck.

    We did 3 unmedicated IUIs with 14331 and ended up with a bfp on the third. We are only a few weeks in; crossing my fingers that our little embryo is thriving.

    Intothemystic- any updates?
  • Congrats ClosertoFine!!! That': great news!!

    Good luck Psuamanda!! So glad yoy have such great numbers!

    I'm in my tww for my fourth IUI ((second medicated). I'll let you know hoe it goes...
  • Update I'm officially 4w3d pregnant through IVF using donor 14331. I am getting very clear strong positive test results and go for beta tomorrow.
  • Congratulations!! I got my BFP today. I go in for my beta on Wednesday. Best of luck to all of us in these first few weeks.
  • Congratulations psau and mystic. We are almost 10 weeks in and everything looks good so far!
  • I'm 23 weeks pregnant with a little boy through 14331. It was through IVF transfer back in December. Just had a u/s today and he's big!

    Best of luck to everyone.
  • I had my daughter with this donor she is six months old she is adorable with quite a personality. I have 7 embryo with the same donor. My daughter is really smart and advanced in a lot of way she is always smiling and happy
  • I did Ivf I got pregnant the first time
  • My daughter was born dec 20 2016
  • If anyone have any questions I'll be glad to answer I did my first ivf and got pregnant with donor 14331 and she has a lot of his traits smart quick well aware of her surrounding she was trying to speak at one month old and she is advance doing things that her age wouldn't so she started mimicking everything we do and say at three months she is at the 80% percentile taller than average. She has big eyes. She was 9 1/2 pounds when she was born 19 inches long within six months she already 27inches tall and she rarely cries she always smile she smiles when she was born while she sleeping she smiles as soon as she wakes up never cries. Great disposition. She is very intuitive and she is focus once she is focus on something she is focus she doesn't get distracted easily. She has a lot of his traits. She is the best. I'm gonna try for another baby next year I have 7 embryo with the same donor saved. My daughter was born happy healthy and I had no issues or complications. But I had her at 36 weeks dec 20th 2016 she was supposed to be born Jan 5th 2017.
  • Hi - i’d like to connect with people who used 14331 to find out more about siblings. I went to the sibling registry but not much luck. I have created a group on FB called sibs 14331. I think of you search can request to he added if interested.

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