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Re: # Family Units and Max Pregnancies
@Anonymous2025 sadly California cyro is under no legal obligation to limit donor limits at all. And many people think they go off vial purchases but they actually go off reported pregnancy to "manage family limits". They will never tell you the real number. However they say the "try to cap donors around 30 families worldwide". My donor has at least this many, I'm in contact with about 25 families and know there are 5 or 6 more in another country. The children are all pretty much the same age and many live close enough they meet regularly.
You can use IUI vials for IVF.. I did and only used one vial to have the children I do. Some physians wonts split a vial and refreeze it. if you need more than one egg retrieval make sure they are happy to reuse the left over sperm if any. Best of luck!
Re: Donor 15549
Hi @KitKatBar I had a baby girl with donor 15549 last year. How can I get to your sibling profile?
Re: Looking for vials of donor 15917
This may be too late but I have 1-2 vials of 15917 -- I'm at the end of my fertility journey.
Re: Donor 15549
Are there any vials of 15549 available for sibling use? I had my son early this year and really want to use the same donor for siblings for him.
2 vials for sale — Chinese ancestry donor
My family is complete, and so I am ready to part with these 2 vials (IUI premium, used successfully for IVF). Donor 15195. Prefer to recoup amount paid ($855 per vial) or close to it. Vials are currently being stored at California Cryobank and transfer process would go through California Cryobank.
Re: Donor 16247
I’d love to comment but not publicly. Is there a way to message you privately either through this message board or email?