TWW -donor 15348
My wife and I are so excited! Our doctor assisted us with one ICI vial today and it’s our first go at this. Wishing for the best!
My wife and I are so excited! Our doctor assisted us with one ICI vial today and it’s our first go at this. Wishing for the best!
We did IUI today with this donor. Crossing our fingers.
@Zsfbe Good luck to you! Waiting to find out if it worked is getting really hard even a few days in. I keep thinking I have some early symptoms but I know it could realistically be from the procedure itself.
Same, I have all the early symptoms but can’t decide what they are from. I’m hopeful!
Best of luck, @lacd and @Zsfbe ! Looking forward to hearing good news.
I will be trying with this donor soon!
@Lacd half way there! Can’t wait to hear your new next week!
@G.Marie awesome! I’ll keep you updated, staying positive!
No luck for me AF came this morning 2 days early.
@Zsfbe I’m sorry! No luck for me either this month. Such a bummer but all we can do is try again. 👍🏻
Wishing you the best of luck. My gf and I are pregnant with this donor on the first try.
Wishing you the best of luck. My gf and I are pregnant with this donor on the first try.
We are 8 weeks this Thursday with donor 15348!
@Lacd @Zsfbe sorry you guys weren’t in luck just continue to try I have faith. @Sassy1t congratulations. I’m 21 weeks with this donor. @jhgc is my gf who you we’re speaking with earlier.
After a few anovulatory months and having to send back the specimens, I tried again with two ICI vials and am now 4dpo. This process has been emotionally trying this year and I’m really hoping it worked. I heard this donor has more than 5 reported pregnancies this year? Donor 15348
@Lacd how is it going?
@Lacd how is it going for you?
@G.Marie @gcjh This last cycle didn’t take which is a bummer because I thought the timing was great. Trying again this week. Thanks for checking in! How is it going with you two?
@Lacd I am pregnant!
Need updates! I have a stunning 8 month old from this donor. I hope you are all well. My baby is related to yours 🥰
Anyone selling back any vials I'm looking to expand my family with this same donor 15348